Gavins Domestic Policy

Day 955, 19:52 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael. Here is my domestic policy for my Presidential Campaign.

As ive always said the future of eIsrael lies in our Population.

We need a growing active population to become a strong viable nation in the future. Especially for v2.

My economic policy covered government companies providing employment to new players but more is needed then that.

We need to open up incentives and paths for people to become active citizens. We need to create new 'Franz kafkas" "Aeroners" and "Perfect Knights" (Maybe not that last one but you get the point 😛)

If we dont have a new generation of eIsraelis to take us into the future our nation will die out.

My first simple plan to deal with this is open opportunities in government.

All Ministries need to set up an internship program and help teach these interns the ins and out of governing so we have new capable people to lead these branches of government in the future.

Thats the first simple step we can do to help increase activity and people involved in government.

The next thing we can do is actually create a half decent new player message with links to our forum and IRC channel.

Without this how do we expect new people to get involved?

this is a quick thing we can do and easily and will be one of the first things I do once I take office.

I will support the creation of a mentorship program or even reestablished the eIsraeli University to help new players teach them how to play the game and help create a active population to be productive members of the work force and government.

None of the things ive suggested so far will require funding. Just good people who will volunteer their time to help this nation and its People.

The Aid For immigrant Organization is a great concept and I would like to continue its services so it can help new players in eIsrael as well.

it will need some minimal funding to help support itself and thus help new players.

One major thing I will tyr to tackle during my presidency is FXP.

For those of you who dont know what FXP is its an external hebrew Forums that act as the Defacto Official Forums for eIsrael.

Now theres nothing wrong with FXP being used as a gateway to bring new players into the game but right now its acting as the defacto official forums for over half our community.

Its very political there with rarely any opposing voices being heard and as a result people that are only signed up on those forums dont understand the big picture of whats going on in eIsrael only what they are being told.

No effort is being made to get many of the players on those forums to the national official forums which support English and as a result this is the main reason we have a very divided country.

People talk about Unity and getting a long and blame people for the fighting but offer no options to fix the problem.

We have 2 separate communities using 2 separate forums.

Most english players dont know whats going on at FXP. Many High level people holding public office get away with saying a lot of things on those forums they wouldnt get away with saying elsewhere. Sometimes things would ONLY be published on FXP without anything being said on the National Official Forums. This is wrong.

We need to make a large effort to bring those people onto the national forums which support Hebrew so the two communities can at least have some sort of communication and contact with one an other and hear opposing views.

I think this is vital to the future of this nation though I doubt much will be done about it because FXP is a political tool which determines who gets elected and thus who controls eIsrael.

Besides that an active translations bureau who can translate official government messages to the people will also be necessary to ease tensions and make sure all players understand whats going on in the government.

As part of my Presidency I will issue weekly announcements on the on goings of the administration and what we are working on and what we are doing. Its important for the government to inform its people.

I dont want to be known as a President who did everything behind closed doors without no one knowing whats going on.

The Current government made a huge mistake in not being vocal and public with its doings preferring a small closed group working on everything in the background.

Government Transparency will be a key part of my Presidency if elected.

I will also work to continue work on producing a baby boom despite the fact that we are not in a war. Trying to get articles Published in Israel posting on online forums and message boards etc etc.

This wont be a top priority but its important we do put some efforts into it.

Many nations in eRepublik have risen in the ranks simply because they worked hard and got a major babyboom for there nation. (Poland Greece Hungary croatia Serbia etc etc etc)

Another major aspect of my Domestic/Internal policy was to be fixing up and organizing the national forums but thanks to joshua Hoss that has already pretty much been done 🙂

Am Yisrael Chai

Truly Yours
