Game Over

Day 528, 11:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

The last week has put a lot of things into perspective.

eRep is a game of Numbers

Here are some interesting numbers:
UKRP have 635 Members
If we combine the UKRP Membership with the TUP membership, that totals to 1043 Members
Now, if we add this number to the other active Right-leaning Parties in the eUK, we get a grand total of 1281

Compared with the LSD and PCP's combined membership, which is 409, the other group have over three times the number of members

When faced with these rather daunting facts, it makes you come to the sad conclusion that, if all those parties metioned above were to band together agains the LSD/PCP then those numbers would be insurmountable.

You can say all you want about "it isn't over till it's over", but in this case, it is. Fact.

If I produced the most awe-inspiring manifesto the world has ever seen, I would not have a chance of winning.

This is because a few select PPs and their Parties (or not as the case may be) have decided to control the fate of the eUK. These a mainly people who cry out for democracy, but are blind to see that they dont even know what the words mean. The others are power-grabbers, looking to influence a future CP by giving them support.

Before you all start calling me bitter for losing - that is not the case; if Sara had beaten me in a relatively fair election (as fair as it can be these days), then I would more than be glad to concede. But when the elections are skewed so heavily in favour of your opponent, then it's an exercise in futility.

Another point you may make is that im treacherous and lazy. Well, if I was those things, would I have given 9 months service to the eUK under a number of various positions where I did my best for the eUK, with little to no reward? And when all the people who I had previously respected, such as Dish, Relic, Stan, Deilos, Tim, Roadrunner and many others had already left to other lands? Ive stuck here while everyone else has left, and now it's my turn

So finally I say, as you've all probably guessed by now, I'm not running for President. However, I wish Sara the best of luck as Im sure she will excel. I just regret that I was not able to face her in a fair fight.

Game Over eUK
