Full TUP Manifesto, October 1st

Day 310, 09:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

In this manifesto I and my party will be outlining our vision for the future of the eUK. It will cover a range of issues and reflects all of TUP’s members’ views on how we can improve the eUK and move it forward into Version 1.

Home Affairs

- The most pressing matter regarding how we will continue to run the eUK is the absence of Mayors from V1. TUP is adamant that we want to include the Mayors in some form when V1 is released. We would introduce the “Minister of Health”, who would then have “Regional Managers” under him/her. The “Minister of Health”, would take the place of the Regional Council President, who would be assigned the position by the President, like any other Minister and the “Regional Managers” would be the new Mayors. These Regional Managers would be delegated their position by the Minister of Health.
- We plan to push to introduce the “British Academy”. This would encourage all things creative within eRepublik, whether this be writing or programming. We would have a monthly award for an outstanding piece of literature or an API which helps to improve the eUK. This would be run by the Minister of Information and the winners would be voted on by notable figures within the eRepublik community who have proved themselves in either programming/writing. By promoting such an idea and offering rewards, it means the eUK would be a far more exciting place to live in.
- We would encourage discussion on the eUK National Forums by holding competitions in regions and adding small incentives to join the Forums. The Forums are integral to eRepublik and this needs to be further emphasised to citizens.

Foreign Affairs

- We want to strengthen trade agreements with the announcement of the region productivity. Just because the eUK has not been given the best resources doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to have a strong and stable market. We will actively contact other nations to make sure the eUK has a good supply of all resources, as well as exporting items we have in surplus. We have already begun planning for this as Squiddy, our VP, has proposed a discussion within the House of Commons
- With the new Resistance War in V1, we would do our utmost to support eAustrailia in their war for independence. When they do gain their independence, we would immediately create strong ties and support them in when their nation is in its independency.
- Actively encourage the use of Embassies as a central point of communication. We have been blessed with some fantastic MoFAs in the eUK, but we still need to allow the greater public to get involved in Foreign Affairs. We would contact other MoFAs to make them aware of our Embassies so they can get a better idea of the public opinion within the eUK.


- Introduce a new “Logistics Corps”. With the introduction of a slot limit in Version 1, we want to be able to supply our troops the best way we can, regardless of this hindrance. This Logistics Corps would carry supplies and be funded by the government to back up a Paratrooper with weapons, food and gifts when and if they need them.
- Give MI6 a more feasible role in the modern eRepublik world. This would include, but not be exclusive to, a new Economic War procedure. For example, they would be involved in submitting requests for embargos and buying out commodities needed for a war, like weapons and moving tickets. This would be our first option when going to war, before actually sending in our troops to start the fighting.

Regardless of all these planned changes, what makes TUP stand out from the other competitors?

- TUP has recently won 5 regions in the Local Election. The Mayors who were elected are all extremely active and have already started implementing new ideas within their regions. A prime example of this is Siobhan Griffin, Belfast’s new Mayor, having introduced the new project “Belfast Innovation”. Similar ideas have cropped up all over the 5 TUP regions, like the improved London Council implemented by Squiddy. TUP is ready to do anything to improve the eUK, down to the smallest detail
- Some people are saying that, with V1 on the horizon, a military leader is needed. Although a certain extent of knowledge of the military is needed, I don’t think a huge amount of it is necessary. We have already implemented the fantastic War Council, which is more than capable of dealing with military situations. If you elect TUP into Presidency, you can be sure that we would give the military the best support we can and back the decisions of the vastly experienced MoD and MoFA.
- Lack of experience within TUP in general has been cited as a reason not to vote for us. I disagree with this statement, as come Election Day, V1 will be right around the corner and no-one will be experienced with the new abilities and options that are open to a President. TUP has already shown innovation and ingenuity, so we would be the best party capable of dealing with the new and unprecedented situations. We will have a fresh perspective for a fresh new game.

Finally, TUP aims for a more united nation. Regardless of political party, we are all fighting for a stronger eUK. This requires co-ordination between parties, whether this is getting the best congressmen or ministers for the job. Political Party simply does not factor into the equation when deciding these positions.

So vote TUP to put the Unity back into United Kingdom!