From Where I Sit: Congressional Update

Day 894, 15:01 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma

Hello, my friends. I want to give you another quick update on Congressional goings on … We’re a busy lot, I must admit.

We have a lot of terrific and active congressmen. I hope you’re all reading our updates and making sure we’re all actively working for you. Hold our feet to the fire … ask us questions … let us know what’s on your minds. That’s why we’re here.

So, what have we been up to this week?

1—There are proposals about money transfers from time to time – these are fairly automatic. We need money to operate and congress approves the transfers. Nothing exciting here.

2 – We had a little miscommunication about one of our 3 tax adjustments. We’ve adjusted the taxes on wood and iron in order to stimulate those markets. There was a similar adjustment of food proposed and passed. We realized it shouldn’t have been proposed and quickly fixed it. Something that impressed me during this, something I wish other congresses I’ve know would emulate: There was no trolling or finger pointing. Instead there was calm discussion, including analysis of what occurred and ideas to make sure the situation didn’t arise again. Then we set about making it right. I really appreciated everyone’s cool demeanor and logical approach to solving a problem.

3 – We passed an MPP with Croatia. These long time allies will present opportunities for our troops to engage in battle, gaining rank and EPs. I’m very happy to see this MPP.

4 – Finally, there was the presidential impeachment of Greyhunter. This was a precautionary move in order to protect Grey’s last days in office and the transition to the coming presidential term. Greyhunter has been a terrific national leader and was aware of what was taking place. Game mechanics allow us this protective action – I believe it’s a good strategy and that it should be a standard practice.

Speaking of the coming election: I’m very proud to say I endorse and support Mulderpf for our next CP.

• He is always calm and cool under pressure.

• Though we’ve faced very negative forces in recent times, he doesn’t allow paranoia to rule him. Though he might choose to condemn people out of a sense of suspicion and before gaining facts, he doesn’t. He gathers all of the information he can then makes a logic-based decision. Isn’t that what we all want in a leader?

• He supports the military and its growth. I especially appreciate that he sees the good sense in offering more than one path to service in order to defend our country. TCO appreciates his counsel and assistance as we make a spot for ourselves in South Africa’s defense policy.

• Mulderpf knows the game well, both from a mechanics point of view and social. He deals fairly and professionally with others – exactly the personality I’d want dealing with foreign leaders.

• Mulderpf understands South Africa. He’s been at the center of the cyclone with ATO work, knows the players, the fiscal needs and our goals. He’ll fight to reunify our country, bringing Limpopo back to us, then will do what is needed to protect us all.

As always, if you have questions or concerns I invite you to share them. I appreciate your continued support and your involvement.

Standing strong, standing together … Standing on Guard for South Africa.