From Where I Sit … Congress Update

Day 890, 02:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma

From the desk of Dycey Farley, Congress Representative in Mpumalanga …

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and for reading my paper. I hope you’ll become a regular subscriber.

My paper is called Indaba for a reason. A word meaning gathering or meeting, I hope to use it to open a dialogue with the people I serve both as a congressman and as a soldier. I’ll provide updates on my efforts as both and hope readers will feel free to ask questions and share concerns.

South Africa isn’t the largest country in the game, nor is it the most populated. Our size, however, shouldn’t be confused with our courage and will. Determined and united, we will prevail. We will regain Limpopo, increase our military might, and reinforce our infrastructure.

I approach eRep as a war game. There are other approaches and I appreciate the diversity of views on the matter. My decisions, however, are influenced by my perspective as a soldier, a warrior.

We will be challenged on the battlefield during the next month; that’s far from a revelation. Making sure we’re prepared and, in the end, victorious is a top priority for me.

We have an active, incredibly capable military in South Africa. Now, in all truth, we have two. The SAAF is South Africa’s governmental military. Its many members are dedicated to victory on the battlefield and dependable comrades. There are levels within the military, all leading to the pinnacle, the Assegai. These elite soldiers are strong tanks, devoted to warring and increasing our nation’s might. I proudly serve in The Crimson Order, a militia with a long history of battlefield success and duty to country. In order to meet our goals we’re housing two Divisions here: The Crimson Guard provides training for South African soldiers from noobs through Officers. Our strongest warriors have brought our Global Management Team to Northern Cape so we can better serve South Africa’s needs (our top 12 pack a 5K wallop per Q5 hit). One of our members is serving in both SAAF and TCO elite forces – talk about devotion to military service!

I encourage all of my fellow South Africans to adopt a spirit of service. I hope that will begin with the military. Train every day, watch the MoD news ( [url][/url] ) and the Shouts of top warriors for fighting opportunities. Join a military group – you’ll gain mentoring, weapons distribution, opportunities to travel to fight and, best of all, the camaraderie of those with whom you stand shoulder to shoulder on the battlefield.

Standing strong, standing together … Standing on Guard for South Africa.

Do you have questions, comments or ideas? Please share them.