From the Ministry of Development ... And Hit Girl

Day 903, 03:35 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma
The Ministry of Social Development Presents …

Hit Girl’s Hotsheet
eSouth Africa’s Source for the Hottest Gossip, Hottest Trends and Hottest Tips.

We Begin with News for the Discerning Reader

Disturbing news has come from the Presidential Offices lately, not once but twice. In the interest of transparency in government, we feel it’s our duty to keep our readers informed.

Story One … The President’s Balls" align="right" />

This story comes out of Pretoria, where an un-named eye witness from the South African Cabinet recently had a shocking encounter with the newly elected Country President. Upon entering the president's office to ask for a lunch order, he came upon Mulderpf standing between 2 large Tesla Balls, one hand on each, the lighting-like current flowing through his body. Mulderpf's body was rigid and trembling and his hair sticking straight up. Alarmed, the young cabinet member ran to his aid, but Mulderpf yelled for him to get back. After a few seconds, Mulderpf released the balls, still crackling as he advanced on the interloper.

"How do you think I keep my energy so high?," the president quipped. Indicating the static orbs he continued, "When your balls are a big as mine, you're crazy not to use them."

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Story Two … The President’s Girl" align="left" />
Our second story tonight stems from allegations being made by many in the Congress that Mulderpf is seeking congress with a certain temptress of training. Some claim to have seen Mulderpf and Lana slipping into the Presidential Limo which then sped off into the night.

When confronted with these first person reports, the president issued the following statement:

“I am deeply disturbed with some rumours that's been going around of the relationship between myself and Miss Lana. The relationship between myself and Miss Lana has been strictly a work-related one. The money paid to her was for professional duties performed in her capacity as my trainer.

“These rumours should stop as I am here to do work for the country - I cannot perform my duties effectively with these rumours flying about.

I want to say one thing to the eSouth African people - I want you to listen to me, I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lana. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false.”

We leave it to the South African Citizens to decide if Mulderpf’s innocence is to be believed.

Love is in the Air … Or is it?

Lately there have been a lot of articles about finding eLove and eSpouses, so the topic of love is decidedly HOT! We here at the Hotsheet support all things Hot, so we’re giving Cupid a Hand.

Are you tired of 2-clicking alone? Are you hoping to find a companion to help handle your mouse? Let us know. Next time we publish Hit Girl’s Hotsheet, you might make the Hit List of Hot South African Singles and have your ad featured here.

This is Hit Girl Signing out. Stay Sexy, South Africa!