From the Democratic Party Candidates (Part II)

Day 196, 09:30 Published in USA Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

As promise these are the answers of the candidates (Each article will be a different candidate).
(this will be a long series of long articles.. )

The second to respond is: Uncle Sam

"Q: Now that our economy has stabilized and seems to be growing what are your views of the future? What lies ahead? Do you have a pla for the future?
A: Well, Inflation after the war has gone down I think what we can look forward to is stocking up both individually and on a group basis. Essentially we do not know what the future holds, there could be a surprise attack on the USA for all we know. My current general plan is to go with the flow of things and that the more prepared you are for all the possibilities that lie ahead, the more enjoyable that ride will be.

Q: With almost all hospitals being Q1 or Q2 what do you intend to do to raise the quality of our hospitals?
A: Our government has already taken steps to bring higher quality Hospitals to our country. I currently head up this program, and i assure you, we WILL have high quality hospitals in our country very soon.

Q: If necessary will you give the exploration of new high quality hospitals to foreign companies?
A: I don't believe that we need to rely on foreign companies to provide good hospitals anymore. We produce 1 high quality Hospital, mobilize our people and we're good, no matter how long it takes for the next domestic hospital to be produced.

Q: Where do you see the US/CAN relationship going?
A: Well given the three month NAP that we made with them I think we're good. Here's my big issue with it. After the war ended a lot of the Canadian American communication stopped. This was one thing that i really liked to see happen after the war, it helped to bring us together as a continent. Also I'm not sure if they are still sour about the war, or whether or not they would want to declare war on us or not. A lot more of this could be fixed if we kept the communication going.

Q: With our rising economy and with some of the companies producing some surplus do you think that an agreement for exportation is the best thing to do? Or do you think we should save for the future in case we might need it?
A: Well you never know what the future will bring. In our case, I believe that we should stock up in certain areas. We have many MPPs and as Americans it is partly our duty to protect those that we have agreed to protect. So we may be seeing a lot more war in our time, best to prepare ourselves. Those of us bigger company owners who have been around enough have already established a lot of export markets. Dish and I combined can export our moving tickets to a good portion of the world. Anywho, I feel that our needs should come first of course. Prepare ourselves economically, defend others militarily, then defend other economically. That's my order of things.

Q: What are your thoughts on the Germany/Poland war?
A: Well, A war is a war, and I'm Uncle Sam... What could be better? But seriously though, my feelings are this. People are helping to defend a rather inactive country, that, no offense, has had a history of poor leadership. I feel that Germany is doing them a bit of a favor. So why do all these people fight for Poland? the answer is simple, the military experience. People want to get their rank up, so why not fight for the defending side with Q3 hospitals? Now I have nothing against that as i too have done it myself, But I would at least hope that those people would admit they are there for that reason and not to defend Poland.

Q: The citizens are losing interest in politics do you have anything planned to bring them back to the political life?
A: Basically better communication and inspiring activeness through the chat is where we need to go with this. We need a better medium through which we can communicate party wide. The weekly chats is probably the best way to go with this. What i figure is that the more people we get on the eUSA chat, the more active we become. Also, when the party gets new members, i get an Alert about it, As soon as i do i send a message to them about erepublik and how to navigate it. I give them all the information they need and many way to become active in our country and party. If anyone needs the link to the eUSA chat room, please PM me asking for it and I will give it to you.
*keep in mind we have to keep this quiet because we need to keep our private conversations secure.*

Q: Why should you be the president of our party
A: Well, Benn, decided that i would be best for the job, first of all. Second, I am the most active member of the party, unlike Diarmuid has been for the Liberty party. If that and my experience in the game isn't enough for you, than I don't know what is."

I appreciate Uncle Sam's time and patience to respond to my questions.