From the Democratic Party Candidates

Day 195, 13:32 Published in USA Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

As promise these are the answers of the candidates (Each article will be a different candidate).
(this will be a long series of long articles.. )

The first one to respond is: TNLNYC

"Q: Now that our economy has stabilized and seems to be growing what are your views of the future? What lies ahead? Do you have a pla for the future?

A: While our economy has stabilized, there are still risks ahead. The plan, at this time, is to solidify the strong base we have created and build on top of it, providing more for everyone.

Q: With almost all hospitals being Q1 or Q2 what do you intend to do to raise the quality of our hospitals?

A: The quality of our hospital is a question largely in times of war. As you know, our war with Canada is now over. so the question is whether we want to strenghten our currency or improve the quality of our hospitals. This is a question that ought be discussed and put up to vote so that every citizen can voice his/her opinion.

Q: If necessary will you give the exploration of new high quality hospitals to foreign companies?

A: No. Because of their connection to our well being in time of war, giving such control to external party strikes me as a tactical mistake.

Q: Where do you see the US/CAN relationship going?

A: I believe that now that the war has been resolved, we ought to build new bridges to Canada and help each other handle some of the larger challenges facing us so we can move up economically.

Q: With our rising economy and with some of the companies producing some surplus do you think that an agreement for exportation is the best thing to do? Or do you think we should save for the future in case we might need it?

A: Exports are crucial to our long term growth, which means that we need to increase exports (and thus be careful about conflicts) in order to improve the well being of our citizens and create new opportunities for all. Reducing our import/export trade deficit will make us stronger in the long run.
That, in time, will allow us to get houses for all our citizens, which will then increase their wellness and thus their productivity.

Q: What are your thoughts on the Germany/Poland war?

A: It is important that we resist aggressors and help out our friends. As such, we will continue supporting any of our allies against aggressors. However, as a general rule, I do not believe that war is the answer as it depletes the wellness of our citizenry.

Q: The citizens are losing interest in politics do you have anything planned to bring them back to the political life?

A: Pushing for a referendum system that will put the citizens back in control of our politics is one of my main goals.

Q: Why should you be the president of our party?

A: I believe erepublik does not yet give its citizenry enough power over the world. Together, we can help change that by showing erepublik that we, as citizens, want more control of our own destiny. A large showing could help us send a message to the founders of erepublik that it is time for a change.

My own goals are simple: we need to show the founders of erepublik that we can govern ourselves and I would like us to have access to a system that would allow citizens to vote in referendums. If you believe this to be a strong goal, vote for me and together, we can push for it.

I thank you for the opportunity you have given me to present my ideas and hope that readers will go out and vote on election day, whether it is for me or for any of my competitors."

I thank TNLNYC for is time and patiente to answer my questions.