From Purgatory With Love

Day 1,016, 20:08 Published in Russia Pakistan by Joshua Patterson

Greetings dear friends. I have come back from my delightful trip in purgatory to bring you urgent news. We silly, freedom loving Americans have come to liberate West Alaska. A while ago, we liberated West Alaska only to have it taken from us and the local population enslaved in the name of Marx. No more.

We have returned to our dear West Alaska to bring it back to the Conservative ideals it so desperately needs again. The tit, dripping tears of agony will soon be suckled by the Americans.

My dear West Alaska, we have come back for you, no longer will work be freedom but freedom will actually be freedom. All I ask is that everyone, charge the Russians in a glorious red, white, and blue charge as we take the battlefield and spell naughty words x)

West Alaska, we come.

I sure do enjoy not having any size tags 😑