From me To EDEN

Day 1,581, 06:44 Published in Croatia Bulgaria by Mr Esato

This song is For you !!! Fuuuuu**ers 😃
It's Not About the Money !!!!
It's About Honor, Respect and Principles !!!
And Non-last: Fuuuuuuuuu You "Kloraq" (i hate this guy like no other) 😃
FUUUUUUUUU You Greece President (whoever you may be)
and FUUUUUUUUUU All other's who are GREEDY AS HELL !!!

I LoVe: Russia !
I LoVe: Ireland !
I LoVe: Italy !
I LoVe: China ! (they are not in our favor but still i love them)
I Like: Macedonia (except some македоноиди) 😃
DAMN, I LoVe All Countries but i don't like who rull them 😃
p.s. for who don't know: EDEN HQ meeting from last night
p.s2 Somebody from the link above say something like that "Greece is friends with Turkey now, why you cant be like them" or something like that 😃
- Fuuuuuuuuuuuu**ER , i Repeat Because you Can't read.... Obviously 😃
BULGARIA have something called Honor and Respect those who Respect them !!!
I finish this Ridiculous article filled with Hatred and "True Story" with my favorite quote: "When i'm Sad i Stop Being Sad, and be Awesome instead" !!! 😃 True Story !!!
Hey, my Heart beats for you if you vote and Subscribe 😃 Rofl, Trololo 😃 😛
Damn i am Crazy person 😃 - i LoVe EDEN but.... WTF are you Doing... ???