Friends, Foreigners, and Coutrymen, Lend Me Your Ears!

Day 151, 04:46 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

[youtube][/youtube] My fellow Danes, dark times are ahead of us. This is the most we've been waiting for. The moment we've worked hard for. It is time to allow Europe a chance to regroup and gather itself together. It's time for Denmark to act as the bastion between civilization and barbarism. It is time that we make ourselves a human border between enlightenment and ignorance. We are outnumbered 200 to 1 but we have something Swedes don't. Creativity. The Swede only understands how to click his buttons and play SecondLife. What he doesn't understand is the Dane. We will meet them head on with our Berserkergang!

A beast approaches, patient and confident, savouring the meal to come. This beast is made of almost humans and horses—swords and spears. An army of slaves vast beyond imagining—ready to devour tiny Denmark, ready to snub out the world's one hope—for reason and justice. A beast approaches—and it was Grev Per himself who provoked it.

What can you do? I don't know, what can you do? If you are not Danish then you have two choices. You can hide at home, and watch as Sweden makes the game more boring every day. You can stay in your country and urge your president to unite Europe to defend the world against the barbarism that is coming. We will stay here and hold back the Swedish forces so that indecisive Europe can pull herself together. Let's hope you don't waste your time.

If you're Danish, then your duty is to fight. And once you have lost, your duty is to NOT integrate. We will NOT purchase products from a company owned by a Swede (unless they are already from Denmark, then they probably aren't monkeys). We will not voluntarily give them any money. I will take all the money out of the Danish treasury. If we lose our sovereignty I urge all Danes to join my party. I will rename it "Sweden Sucks Balls" and and we will try and vote ourselves into seats of power. Then we will rob the Swedes who ruled us. Perhaps we might even go to other cities elect ourselves into power and rob from their coffers. And once we've finished our pirating we will announce our independence at an appropriate time.

Do not buy Swedish products. Only buy from companies owned by Danes. Do not hire any Swedes in your company.

I will continue handling Denmark's foreign affairs for as long as there is no one else elected as a DANISH president. Anyone who contacts Sweden with regards to Denmark actively supports Swedish Boredom-Apartheid.

If you need weapons, gifts and food, the government is donating money for this cause. Contact me.