Friday's Daily Dose

Day 2,544, 02:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nights0ul


"There are seven days in a week and Someday isn't one of them."

-- Author Unknown


My first grade daughter and her friend both needed new boots as winter approached. The friend got in the car one morning and finally had gotten her boots. "Tina," I commented, "I see you got new boots! Where did you get them?"

"At the store," she answered.

"Which one?" I asked.

She began looking at her new boots and after a pause said, "Both of them!"


Little Johnny's class were on an outing to their local police station where they saw pictures, of the ten most wanted men, tacked to a bulletin board.

On the way out of the police station Little Johnny said to the officer, "it was so nice of you to put my daddy's picture up there."


Putin realizes that the Old Ways are rapidly changing in the Russian Federation, and also that he must do something to mollify the Western Powers. He sends his sociology experts on a scouting trip to find new ideas for the pleasure and comfort of Russian citizens and to attract Ukrainians.

When they report, Putin has the Minister of Leisure open up a gigantic night spot on the busiest thoroughfare in Moscow, even with a striptease show 24/7.

After three months, Putin says, "I don't understand. We're serving real caviar and the best vodka at half-price. The room is nearly empty every night. It's a disaster. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the strippers. They've been vetted; every one of them has been a Party Member since 1953."


I asked my North Korean friend how it was there. He said he couldn't complain.