Friday Night Drunken Article

Day 494, 03:15 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson

Article start time: 5:00 a.m. CST.

Hari Michaelson

I've decided to utilize my drunken stupor to aid me in my bitching about certain Congressman this fine morning. Or evening. I still think it counts as Friday Night, so there you go (Oh, I won $80 tonight in poker!).

I will not lie, a large part of this article acts to vent what bitterness I hold over losing in the Congressional elections.

I am not angry at the victor ClammyJim. Far from it, in fact. He and I agree on nearly every issue, we have demeanors that I find to be very alike, and he has shown himself to be quite knowledgeable and active. No, this bitterness comes from seeing others elected whom I feel should not have been on the ballot in the first place.

My first victim is dbuck. Yesterday In the House of Representin' foruim, new Congressman dbuck decided it was prudent to start up a new thread about the need to alter taxes. Please keep in mind that it had already been decided upon to review the current PANEC taxes on the 4th of April, meaning that dbuck's thread was a simple waste of space. To top it off, dbuck posted no reasoning behind his proposal, and instead it was placed upon the shoulders of more knowledable citizens to ask him why. The thread was locked for lack of relevance.

I would next like to point out new Congressman Sadam Hussein's proposal to raise the minimum wage to 10 USD. This proposal was put up for vote without any regard for Congressional procedure in regards to submitting a proposal, or the numerous debates concerning and reasons behind maintaining the minimum wage as it is. No, Congressmen Hussein decided it was acceptable to waste one of his two proposals on this. Congratualtions to whichever voters decided this citizen was a competent candidate for public office.

While I'm willing to accept that all people make mistakes, that all people do their share of stupid things (Lord knows I do), I would also point out what these actions show about these candidates. Both of these individual actions show that the particular candidate in question showed no concern for the goings-on of Congress prior to their election. I would highly recommend that the average citizen follow the debates in Congress in order to to stay up to date on the nation's government, but for a Congressional Candidate to show a complete disregard for this is....

It's simply ridiculous people.

So the next time a Congressman comes along, maybe you should do more than vote along party lines, or vote for whoever promises the lowest taxes and highest wages. Ask them questions, demand accountability and activity in the community. If someone has the balls to run as your representative, make sure they'e got the brains to back it up.
The Muckraker: Article end time: 5:18 a.m. CST