Free weapon to help Hungary!

Day 894, 13:08 Published in Italy Hungary by Thundewr

Hello Italy!

I want to be short: leave a comment here, and I will donate you a weapon.

I only ask you, to fight in this battle, and help Hungary:

It's a crucial battle: if we lose it, we will lose our country. It's our capital, it's our fortress, and also: it is our last region with hospital.

As a friend of Hungary, Italy will also be in trouble: not so much like Hungary, but still.

If you can afford more weapons, please buy and use them.
(You can fight from home, you don't have to move, or quit your job or anything. You can fight there, as you can fight in any other battle.)

Thanks in advance!

Forza Italia!

PS: I'm not the goverment, so I can only send one weapon to everyone.

EDIT (erep time 15:44): I need some sleep, so the action is stopped now.
By the way, the battle is going, so any help is welcomed!

Update (erep time 21:44): I see that Italy attacked Croatia; thank you! It's a great help to us, but you still have to fight in Central Hungary! Your attack is aimed to block Croatia, and to divert some damage from the main battle: Central Hungary!