Free Q5 Houses & Foods

Day 1,080, 10:29 Published in Iran Iran by Evil Angel 2

Hello fellow eRepublik citizens

I want to get their media mogul medals so I started a joint media mogul project.

please help to get this medal and get rewards

We are giving out house to the lucky subscribers

1 Q5 House

1 Q4 House

1 Q3 House

2 Q2 House

2 Q1 House

+Food for everyone

if you heared about my food companie you can sure that i will transfer a free q3
food every day for winners
and its my company with 3000 stock

and another copanies like this in us and poland and other countries .

I also aware that some people have been abusing the laws and scamming people for getting subs but be assured that this is not a scam and we have the house and the foods(in a company) ready and when I reach 1000 subs rest assured that we will do the lottery and give the houses to their rightful owners. To be reminded that the foods will be donated by time and before we reach 1000 subs.

So help us reach 1000 subs and don't be ashamed if u have a high level because I did the same thing for other people too.

Please write your sub and vote number in your comment.

Thanks every one
you can really help me my dear friend

update :
rewarded players in first 30 min after publish
and many other players ( you can ask them )
this persons rewarded for their trust
you can be next person