Day 633, 06:32 Published in France Australia by HewRoo

The rules are simple:
vote, subscribe, comment
In your comment guess the number of subscribers at 23.59 eRep time on 15/08/2009
THE LUCKY ONE who's guess is correct gets 20 (twenty!) gold. (if there is more then one winner, the prize is devided proportionally)
The next close guess worth 5 gold. (the same rule applies in case of more then one winner)
Timeframe restriction: to be valid for this prize draw your comment should be posted at least 1 hour prior 23.59 eRep 15/08/2009 (that is 22.59 eRep time)
Only ONE comment per citizen/org is accepted. If you post more then one comment with the number, you will be dismissed from the prize draw.
And the hint - YES, you can DELETE your comment and "adjust" it later on - I will give out this prize anyway! 🙂