Forrester Network News

Day 1,292, 02:13 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

In order to adapt to the changing world circumstances, a surprising discovery was made the other day. Playing back the video clips of the tsunami and earthquake at sufficiently detailed resolutions, through the medium of a Tesla coil pointed directly at Ayn Rand's grave, is able to generate sufficient electric power to honor the Emperor not merely for ten thousand years, but for all eternity. In thanks for the great gift that Kokawayoshi-sama himself has given to eJapan through his survival and tolerance during this pivotal time, Forrester Network News has been organized. All that remains is to seek venture capital through collaboration with the Kirijo group, and to quell doubts among anti-imperial protesters with judicious applications of the newly refined electrical technologies.

For those uninterested in the new financial order, the new paradigm is simple: Dig in, don't question it and do what you're told, especially if you're pretending to be an emperor. But for those who still have doubts -- and they do linger with justice, and it is not and can never be wrong to doubt, and indeed, as Nanase Kitsune could tell you, doubt itself is a very powerful thing.

I think that that in the middle up top is Kitsune-san. The rest I am not sure about. I think that it is some sort of political statement about the wisdom of giving a Dr. Venkman access to a Q5 taser, technically speaking. But there seems to be some nuance I am not getting here. Maybe the hidden message is for somebody else.

For example, Haramura Nodoka is an extremely smart young woman who would totally pwn that wannabe Nenesha cosplayer, Madoka, in a blitzkrieg. If you don't believe me, just ask Ryuumonbuchi Tohya. You could also ask some Salieri guy, but no one wants to hear about Falco anymore. He is old news.

Well, naturally I wasn't talking about anyone else. The nerve!