Foriegn Affairs: Let's Get Going I CAN START WORKING -India101

Day 1,288, 12:51 Published in India USA by India101
As I look around I see many people working to the best of their ability preparing for day changes, regulating dispatches, and deciding who's gonna be their next CP. In the midst of all this hard work I think it's time for someone to really step up to the plate and start work on another important part in our country. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Yes most of your will probably say that we have bigger priorities which I'm not saying that we don't but I have NO WORK. I can get started on my work, and in fact I'm gonna list all the countries that i want an MPP in this very article. Please read this and tell me what you think.


Indian people we all know about the Pakistani fiasco and the involvement of one of our dear EDEN allies, China. China has been our ally through the best and worst of times, whether it was Pakistani invasion, or support to fend off Indonesian invaders. They were there. Not to be a criticizer, but we need to stop sending delegates whom can give their OWN OPINION and send delegates that will take into consideration the mutual feeling of the Indian people and the feeling of the politicians. Therefore I propose the following to be done: -Appoint AN EXPERIENCED DELEGATE IN FOREIGN AFFAIRS!! -DISCUSS ALL THE INTENTIONS OF THE INDIAN PEOPLE/POLITICIANS WITH ALL THE DELEGATE. -MAKE SURE THAT IMPORTANT DECISIONS AREN'T DECIDED BY ANY ONE PERSON. My salute to the people of China.

Croatia is also another one of our faithful allies who is part of EDEN. MPPS with them have given us some extra influence that we very well have used. The Croatians have been very cooperative with us in all matters and have understood the Indian people. They have worked hard to ensure that their ambassadors have expressed their direct consent and to make sure that no back stabbing or BETRAYAL has occurred. My salute to the people of Croatia.

The Romanian tanks and their support, have drastically changed Indian military history forever. The Romanians one of the toughest tanking countries in the New World, have a vital skill to offer to their allies. It would be a benefit to both countries to secure an MPP and not a very tough one either. My salute to the people of Romania.

Not much to say, but yes I know very well of their betrayal but maybe if we need to have an MPP with a superpower than it should be the USA.

This is my list of countries that I think we need to get an MPP with. Please read them, message me and consider this. Below I will post the work that I PLAN [no promise] to do.

-Send a Greeting message to all the congressmen and president to all the countries we have MPPS with.
-Keep asking my superiors for work
-Teaching Foreign Affairs to New people.
-Anything Else that Anyone would like me to do