Foreign Affairs Findings

Day 568, 21:37 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

As the current temporary advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs I would like to inform the people of Israel of the tasks I am personally working on at this time.

1. Seeking support from the U.K. without any binding agreements at this time, unless they are willing to pay for an MPP, we have made the decision that due to some concerns voiced by the public that we do want to keep them as a close neighbor, but unfortunatly engagement in an MPP funded by ourselves would not be productive in nature due to the history revolving around peace and other issues that involved the U.K whether or not it was there fault or not. This may change with further evaluation, but for right now that is where we officially stand.

2. Interest was expressed apparently by the Thailand government in extending ties with Israel. I have contacted them officially and expressed our interest in building upon a solid relationship with that country and expressed the possibility of a peace treaty with them.

3. Engagement was expressed by me toward the nation of China to engage in building a positive solid relationship with that nation as a whole. Friends in the world are key. Agreements offical or not are paper, Friends are Friends and that is what Israel needs. China is the first of many third world nations that I plan to reach out to.

4. I do not know the specifics at this time, but I do know that the Minister of Foreign affairs is working with Canada, U.S, and Turkey right now in order to achieve some agreements and securities.

It is important that we build ties official or non official and non binding in order to be prepared to deal with unruly neighbors that we face. We always want peace with our neighbors Turkey, Iran and the others, but the fact remains that we want our two remaining regions back and we will accomplish that as a nation not solely for proving a point, but for the additional grain resources, meager they may be, and the fact that we will appear more legitimate to the world when it comes to diplomatic efforts and military training efforts if we control the regions that rightfully belong to us. Becoming a strong nation in the world is key, and Diplomacy is the route to go.There are other diplomatic movements taking place at this time through me, the minister of Foreign affairs, Individuals reporting their findings to the acting administration and the acting president Gzen in coordination with key members such as buzzythecat.

Be assured that the nation is safe at this time and that we are continuing forward with the work that was left for us to do. Please let us know if you have any Input or suggestions and we will be open to them as usual.

Justin Moore
Advisor to The Minister of Foreign Affairs- Acting