For The First Time Ever, Dade Can Into Congress!

Day 886, 10:06 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

Canadian Conduit - Issue #42

Bored of the same old routine? Wish you could see something new? Well, my friends...I present to you for the first time ever, a Dade in congress!

And you can be the one to make it happen. Yes, I've done just about everything else in the game, now it's time for me to bring the eye into congress. Why should you vote for me, you ask? You mean besides the fact that I was the first subscriber of the greatest eCanadian paper of all time, The Shameless Plug? (seriously, I can prove it!)

Well I'll tell you why in this one and a half minute presentation that I'm going to be a little bit hurt if you don't watch. Just sayin'...
😁^Dade Can Into Congress Presentation😁^

For the hard of hearing and those who are too lazy to listen to a youtube clip, I'll outline the basics of what I say in the presentation here. For hardcore Dadians feel free to listen to the presentation while following along with the written text.

My name is Dade Pendwyn, and I know we’re both short on time so I’m going to keep this mercifully short.

Here’s the deal

On April 25th I’m running for Congress in Ontario. You should vote for me. Why?
1) I’m old. I’ve been around since Day 438 and I know wtf I’m doing.
2) I’m new. Up until now I’ve kept my glaring yellow eye out of congress, so I can’t take any blame for the train wreck that was congress this last month.
3) I’m tall. I’m 6’5’’ and this means I have long arms, which in turn means I can go for days without running out of room to stack dirty dishes, which means more time for eRepublik.
4) I’m familiar with all aspects of the game. I’m a businessman with a net-worth of 500 gold, I’m a Field Marshal with a strength of 30, I have a successful newspaper with hundreds of subscribers, and my ego is only one 1/3 of a Jacobi.
5) I’m single. I don’t have all the distractions of love and happiness to get in the way of my eRepublican greatness.

On April 25th, please vote Dade Pendwyn into congress. If you don't I'll message you with a frowny face and you might feel bad.

My name is Dade Pendwyn and I approve this message.