Day 751, 02:13 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin

Ember Firespiral the Vice President just made this statement about her desire to give away Kyushu to the USA.

"I believe we need to stop being a self-righteous nation, and start truly adhering to our ideals of being a righteous nation. To be righteous is to help our allies when they are in need of it, not be selfish and paranoid because of something that happened 6 months ago. If we close the door to Japan from the unfairly held territories in China, we will become safer, and not have to worry as much about anyone trying to use Kyushu as a revolving door anymore. It is a small sacrifice to allow the eUS passage through Kyushu in order to help secure our allies and ourselves. It will only take a day, and, if timed right, you could even still work on both days in Kyushu. The eUS will repay us for the defense system and hospital, and Kyushu will be back to normal in no time. IT is of no harm to eJapan. If the game mechanics allowed for foreign military bases, this wouldn't even be a problem. It's not like we would be letting them come in and destroy our country. They just need the use of our land for a short time, and will put everything back the way it was before. I don't see the harm in that."

She insults us by calling us 'self-righteous'.!

She thinks that allowing USA to walk through our Home Island Kyushu, the cradle of our entire civilisation is 'righteous'!

She thinks that spitting in the face of all those who have recently come to help us by allowing USA to march through and attack them will somehow make us safer when USA will fail to beat them as they failed to beat them in Kyushu and then Japan will face furious retaliation with nothing but empty promises from USA to protect us!

It seems obvious to me that Ember wants to fail in her campaign to become Party President in the upcoming ULJ elections as I'm sure that ULJ Members don't support giving away Kyushu as Ember does.

After that come Congress Elections and I'm pretty sure that 'Give Away Kyushu' isn't the best way to start her campaign!

I'm sure that as long as she continues to say what she is told then she can be sure of keeping the Vice President position though.

I ask all right thinking citizens and friends of Japan to cry 'For Shame!' at Ember 'I want to be an american' Firespiral every time they see her!

For Kyushu
For Japan
For Ten Thousand Years!

Member of Congress for Fortress Kyushu
Party President of TFC Party (the party that will NEVER give away a Home Island!)