For once its not us....

Day 551, 16:02 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

Our Giant Military Neighbor Indonesia is now under PTO Threat from a major PTO Group Ran by Romanians and others around the eWorld

The PTO Group and the Leader

The Man Who Leads them is called "Victor Petrescu" This Man is Known for leading this Very Organized and Feared PTO Group in various Countries. Such as Ireland and Russia(Its How Romania Got Control of Russia)

After Everyone seeing what can happen here when under PTO you know what could happen...but the worst part that no one here went through:The loss of Land

What Could Happen if he Wins

If Victor Takes Control of Indo...He can retreat Almost EVERY region except from 1. the Region doesnt have to be an Origonal Land it can be any region so....Indonesia coul be taken down to1 Region anywhere in the world...from the 1 region is South Africa to a Region up in Russia

Indonesian Empire

The Indonesian Empire Is the Purple Regions and is currently the largest empire on eRep. but...after the elections...who will be the new empire? will Indonesia beat back Victor and his Crew?

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