For admins of erepublik.

Day 608, 01:59 Published in Russia Russia by sasha238

First of all sorry for my bad English.
My name in game is sasha237. I wrote a simple prototype of eRepublik battle analyzer. There is example of result of analyze.
Other examples available in my newspaper
Some of people want to use my prototype for making web services. And they started to develop it. But I have a problem. I didn’t find any feed or any hint in API about taking information from battles history. Me be it is not exist. I don’t know.
That is why I use bad metho😛 I wrote an html grabber to analyze page by page in battle history, one time for one battle after the battle ends. I know that it means BAN for me or for any other user. Because of it I didn’t give this prototype or its’ sources to other users. Can you help me in my problem?
For example it can be feed of all fights of battle history in format:
User_id; User_name; Damage; Time_of_fight; Country;
And can be additional fields such as:
Used_quality_of_weapon; Rank;
I know, that it can give big job for your servers. That is why I can limit it by using only for registered applications and limit by times, for example 3 times for one battle by one application per day.
Or it can be any different solution of this problem.
I will publish this letter in my newspaper and will publish your reply.

Best regards, sasha237.

Ticket I😨 GHU-194910


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