For A Stronger Indonesian Military

Day 801, 06:49 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ostin">

A short history on the military stregth of Indonesia.

On April 2008 Indonesia conquered the Australian regions of Queensland, Northern Territory, and Western Australia. South Australia was captured, and on the 17th New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria were also conquered.

On February 2009 7 regions originally from India were captured by Indonesia. They are Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra, Northern India, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu. Indonesia conquered the last remaining territories of India, which are Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh. India was swept away from the map.

Indonesia conquered 10 US regions from Hawaii to Mississippi.

Once upon a time Indonesia had 40 territories under its control spanning 6 continents.

Today we control only our original regions.

Recently we lost Northern Cape. which was a big blog to us.

Citizens we have to take bring back the former glory of Indonesia.


I urge, request every citizen to take part for our country.

The government supports us whenever possible but it is up to you who can make the difference.

Whenever we have any major battle where we have attacked. please buy weapons and fight.

I will give you an example:

Strength 5 No weapon Maxhit: 18


Strength 5 Q1 weapon Maxhit: 42
Strength 5 Q3 weapon Maxhit: 56


Strength 8 No weapon Maxhit: 31


Strength 8 Q1 weapon Maxhit: 74
Strength 8 Q3 weapon Maxhit: 99

If a wall is 20000 and taking strength 8 for example
With no weapons it will need 645 fights to bring it down
and with Q1 weapons only 270 fights and with Q3 weapons only 202 fights.

This is just with Q1 Imagine the damage if we use Q2, Q3 and so on.

Do not spent gold on training. Spend gold on weapons

If you have 5 gold. you can only train 3 times with napoleon and after that what???

You have 2 gold . sell it in the market you get 93IDR
with today's weapon price at 4.24IDR you can buy 21 weapons and can gain maximum damage points.

Concentrate on increasing your damage points which gets you closer in being the Field Marshall

All what i am saying is. whenever we have war with any country . i urge/request/beg every citizen to take part. use weapons as much you can. buy Q5, Q4, Q3, Q2 or at least a Q1 weapon .please don't fight empty handed.

With this, Indonesia shall become inch closer to regain its former position of being the top strongest military power on the world.
