Food Shortage - No longer a problem

Day 162, 20:58 Published in Japan Japan by Swift Lee

Fantastic work by the Japanese government to solve the food shortage problem. It was almost an immediate response from the government when the food supply was practically at 0. Within hours (close to a day), the government linked up with several other countries to import food supply in. As this article is being written, the food supply and quantity is at a steady amount and is definitely able to last for a few days or even weeks. With connections with other countries and good relations with the local and overseas food companies, they managed to solve the food shortage problem.

When the food shortage was actually solved, a new problem arise. The problem of pricing. Food prices were sky high and I doubt normal citizens like me can handle that standard of living. The prices then for Q2 food was as much as 4.44 JPY per unit. However, after an article written by me complaining about the outrageous food prices, the government, again, went into immediate action and negotiated with the company to lower the prices. Now it is at quite a good pricing of around 1 JPY per Q2 food unit. Of course compared to other countries that might be a lot actually as Q1 food is sold around 0.2 of their currency.

Nevertheless, Japan is a growing country and would definitely prosper with the strong leadership and active government. Unlike the South Korea I used to live in, Japan's government is way more active, more aggressive, and much better overall. I would love to see how the government reacts to problems that might arise in future and I am sure that the results would be positive.

No more expensive food, no more shortage. Wonderful.