Food For Thought

Day 283, 11:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

Guys in real life I love peace. But in a game I love War. I say we get involved spike those activity rates and get people excited. This We hate Victor and Victor hates us rhetoric is old, its stale, time for something new. We focus on winning the elections if we dont win this time were screwed. Okay well its a game, life is not over. We can take over our own damn country or form a huge merc unity that will fight for any country that gives us territory, gold and non aggression pacts. We use these territores in several different countries to create a global industrial machine. We could fricken takeover the world. I dont know. I am just throwing ideas out there. Personally I think a 200 man strong Merc army would be pretty badass althoguh logistics would be a nightmare. But even that could be solved with some decent organizational skills.

Please remember just an idea. This is not an announcement of any plan I have made.