Food fod newbies and Serbian war music!

Day 2,920, 02:59 Published in Australia Czech Republic by El Fap Padre
Players under level 26, members of ADP and others who have Australian citizenship will gain some food and monie!
Food + monei is nice so yuo just need to enter comment into comment section like mich!

That is how to place a comment if ya did'nt knou!

I promised to speak about Packs here on erepublick.

For just 14.99 or six mirrions of judens you gain one of the most important packs for D1 players. Why yuo sesy boi Padre, yuo wirr ask mich?
Because 2k Energy, that's whai!
25 gold is so small reward for 14.99 yuro moneu that it will be not commented any more..
Small bombs are so small for D1 that it will not be commented.
5x damage booster for 2 hours is also cool. Me is poor and don't have 100% booster dmagae!
My mom ask if any of yuo want coffee and orange juice.. We also have some chocolate cookies. If yuo want them gib me your email, i will attach 'em to ya!

Now, Big Bombs... Use them for CO hunting. Find a large CO when wall is in minus on yuor side and use all yuo have to gain monei. If you do that there is large possibility that you will hit for Chile, arbania and land of catholic Serbs, Croats and if you are NOT on their side you will be spamed with PM like TRAITOR, OI MATE ME WIRR KIRR YA FAMIRRY and many more gently words! I love to do that tbh.
We Serbs say... Of all Serbs, croats are worst.


This one is good only because 2 big bombs and +20 refill That is only good thing with it. Rest is pathetic for ONLY 9.99 YURO MONEIE

Mom will prepare lamb with potato and white wine on Serbian way. That way means the dig a hole, fill it with coal on fire and place labm, potato in some clay and toast it in it own juice. Me hungry... Gib email for attachment, plis.




If yuo play this from MOTHER RUSSIA there is large possibility to be arrested and all yuor tycoon monei to be taken away and giben to Mother Russia.


This pack is most majestic. Egypt pharaohs would totally kill for it.. With this you can be... FOREVER YOUNG, like Peter Pan!

For ONLY 14.99 UERO MONEI you can stop receiving experience from fighting with weapons. Yes, with weapons. You need tanks no matter what quality or bazookas. You can also heal lepers, blind man will see again and many other things with INFANTRY KIT!

My mom say that we can feed 15 people because lamb have aroung 15 kilograms of pure meat. Vegie STOP! Those will be shot on sight!

Now, about war music... Point is that it must be followed with 1 strange instrument with 1 string which sound most like deep frozen cat cutted by circular saw.
Seemore had wish to me translate song El Fap Padre, yuong major so me will start now.

El Fap Padre, young major,
Comadante of Black Mountains,
Black Mountains and Sandžak
Where red star had fallen down!
Black Mountain and Serbia,
And in all Serbian lands!
There is no battle, there is no war,
Without El Fat Padre presence!
There is not battle to fight on
Where Padres fighters don't storm in!
El Fap Padre, young major,
You are pride of Black Mountains,
Black Mountains and Serbie
And all over Serbian lands!

Milivoje asked for Fazlagić Tower Is Burning Down! Because that is so hardcore i will translate it in next article.

Don't forget to send email for food, or just comment!