Flitwick - Your Candidate for President - The Government

Day 1,414, 06:28 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick

Tomorrow at 9 AM CET the voting for the next Danish President will begin.
I, Flitwick, am one of three candidates. I have already released several statements about our country and how I would like things to run both now and in the future and now I will follow up with my proposed Government, if I am elected.

Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance is a very important in any country and it is no exception in Denmark. The Danish economy is very small and we therefore have to act accordingly, to make sure we get the most out of what we have available.
My Minister of Finance will be Breindahl. Breindahl already has experience as a minister within the financial sector, when he first was my Vice-minister of Industry in Sweden and later as the Minister of Industry.
Breindahl will be in charge of assembling a team to keep books, analyze the Danish market versus the foreign markets and propose a new TAX / VAT system to our congress.

Director of Danske Bank
The director of Danske Bank is Jakob tkg. Danske Bank is a private state bank. What does that mean? It means, that he holds all Danish money and gold on his own player account. Why? Because the game has limited the use of national organizations, making it virtually impossible to use it efficiently.
Jakob tkg has already proven himself trustworthy, as he has been holding the Danish national fortune on his own account for 10-11 months, while Denmark was a part of the Homonavian Union.

All donations from the congress will be directed directly to Jakob tkg and money to the different departments will thereafter be donated directly to the person in charge.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
My Minister of Foreign Affairs will be Stente. Stente has a vast experience in this field and will have no trouble handling this ministry. How the ministry will operate will be Stente's job to figure out.

Ministry of Education and Health
This position is open. Whoever would like the job of organizing everything that has to do with guides and sending food to our new born, is most welcome to send me a PM with an application.

Ministry of Defence
I will myself take up the task to start our future military.
One of my first tasks will be to form a military unit for the Danish Military and thereafter start recruiting.
A payment system for orders will be put together. It will not be influence based like in Sweden, but based on number of hits, and then added a bonus for making a larger influence. How it will be I do not know yet, but there will be payments for fighting for the Danish military in the future. We need a strong army, if we are to have any future at all.

Minister of Integration
Rune Larsen is my choice for this post. Rune will be in charge of looking through all application to citizenship and marking who is safe to let in and who is not. He will also be in charge of informing the Danish Congress about this.

That is all I have to say for now. I hope I will get your vote tomorrow .

Thank you,