Day 1,305, 03:32 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T

Today marks a complete year I've been in eRepublik.

Just a matter a revising what I've been doing all these while, I'd like to sneak back into my past issues of ---BEYOND HORIZON---

This was my very first edition.
The main issue brought there was how so many people left the game due to drastic changes from V1 to V2. Patheticly many eMalaysian were influnced by a propaganda to protest and leave the game; which I suspected was done widely by eSerbian agents.

The second article of mine was the benchmark of my journalism carrier.
This classic example is the first issue of THE LEGACY series, which later prolong in time to the sum of seven articles in the series.

I laid the background scenario to the 14th century through a famous legend of Hang Tuah. For a racist person might think that I was trying to show off Malays as being a superior race. That is astray misconception because I'm the guy who still remember my late aunt's last words, "A young man would never say my father is such person and my grandfather was such..."
Meaning, do not over proud of your ancestors achievements but rather prove yourself to become as much a worthy person.

The series was beautifully written to give an exclusive views from the political platform. So that there were some valuable understanding to be gained.
I used the series as the reference for the previous Political Degree for eUniversity of Malaya program.

Actually, that series was not only telling the occasions of the past, but I wrote each one in conjunction with events in eRepublik. For instance in this first THE LEGACY series, it meant to reflect my first move in political activity here in eMalaysia. Which is the setting up of a small unnamed subversive group interfering the politics of eMalaysia!

We were active for quite sometimes, but the members has died one by one leaving me alone now.

I must say that THE LEGACY SERIES is a must read.
There's a link to the next series at the bottom of each story.


This is my short editorial; defining the genre of my newspaper.

Just In Case...
This is a classic improvised comic.
Happening just before the eSerbian PTO era.
Just enjoy your laugh...

RELIGIONISM and UNIversalism
This two articles were discussions during the Serbian Dioist spamming conflict in our media. It's a rather kind of heavy reading (18SG)

There had been a long gap from the previous series.
On the surface the readers may take this story as another regular issue of the legend. But in truth I laid a sublime message to my colleagues about a drastic action to be taken.

The death of Tamingsari by his own kris.

It has been a regular hatred amongst eMalaysian politician to those who have multies. There were constant spitting and butt kicking among eMalaysian for the political parties were heavily fighting each other.
In the mean time the Serbian took over eMalaysia by force of multies (they were SHOES special bred multies through their IT Division)

During this time many true eMalaysian had left the country. How would we get the country back? My answer was using multies too!
Hey you old timers... do you remember once we almost took back the Congress, but suddenly the Serbs played dirty by declaring war to eIndonesia and then retreat from Peninsular Malaysia.
How the hatred upon eIndonesian were mounting that time.

So, for the 1st time I reveal this... we guerrillas had deployed around a hundred multi accounts. The Serbian managed to send tickets banning 30 of them; and we reported 31 of Serbs multies.

The eMalaysian were preparing for grand celebration that election day... but damn that eIndonesian president!

There are many more good articles, but that's enough for my flashback of today.

There are no other newspaper published in eMalaysia today.
So enjoy your time reading my past issues.

Frankly Yours,

Minister of Education,