Day 803, 18:58 Published in USA USA by The Flufferton Foundation

We here at the Emerick awards are proud to announce the winner of The One Eye Prize for Economic Reporting…

The winner is …

Sydiot for his wonderful article How the Government Makes Money We felt this guide did a wonderful job informing players on just how the government makes its money. This important aspect of the game isn’t thought of very much outside the economic council and Sydiot is a true Emerikan hero for writing this article.

Now for the big prize over the last two months we have had four winners of sub awards for the big prize The Emerick Award and here they are.

The Zoli Prize – Max McFarland 2 for his article">[IRAN]Fight for Justice.Fight With Honor.

The DesertFalcon Prize Lieutenant Scheisskopf for his article">EDEN's Upcoming Challenges in Asia

The Joe DaSmoe Prize - System0101 for his article">The Monetary Market and You!

The One Eye Prize- Sydiot for his article How the Government Makes Money

The winner of the Emerick Award is The Greatest article chosen from these four already award winning articles.

The winner is …

Max McFarland 2 for his article">[IRAN]Fight for Justice.Fight With Honor.

Congratulations Sydiot, Max, and the rest of our prizewinners.

Troll of the week award given out to the funniest/ most entertaining troll of the week.

Winning this Award is none other then the most wanted man in the eUSA
Dan Wang for being the best hide and seek champion since Falcon “Balloon Boy” Heene.
Don’t worry everyone he will soon be caught and turned over to us by the eUSA government or they will feel our wraith.

Now for the most disappointing part of our week the fail awards.

This week’s fail award winner hosted an IRC “Radio Show” about some famous women in eRep. CENSORED screwing up wouldn’t be news worthy but in this instance we caught him red handed in one of the biggest sins a person can commit on eRep hypocrisy.

While browsing through CENSORED’s newspaper we came upon this picture of a girl being used as an object.

For this we award CENSORED the Hypocrite Award. We hope that in the future this man follows the advice of Emerick the Great let he who is without fgtry cast the first stone.

Next Week we will start again with The Zoli Prize for True Reporting:
~ Covers Propaganda, Trolling, Editorials, Opinions, ect

We will accept any all articles written over the past month as submissions please PM this org with any articles you feel represent the qualities of the Zoli Prize. Until next time eUSA keep writing those jawesome articles.
