First Congressional Agenda

Day 371, 20:05 Published in Germany Germany by Justin Tyme

Elections are nearly over, and as expected the Social Democrats have taken congress. Now that we have an actual government, some issues need immediate addressing:

- The Tax Rates. Currently, there is a 90% VAT tax on food. This explains the high cost of food, and with a 35% income tax, food is nearly unaffordable for the lower dregs of society. Congress needs to immediately lower the VAT tax to under 10% at LEAST, and on top of that lower income taxes to something like 15%. By simply doing this, food prices can be reduced and poverty alleviated. Moving tickets are also heavily taxed; but that is not as high of a priority.

- Hospitals, Defense, and Job Creation. At the end of the war, all liberated regions lost their hospitals. If Germany ever enters a war, this will cripple national defense. There are a few options:
A. Provide loans to hospital companies that the companies will pay back in product., paying for all wages and resources. When the hospital is complete, the company will sell it back to Germany for .001 DM, thus repaying the loan.
B. Import hospitals
There's an opportunity here to kill two birds with one stone: Instead of importing hospitals, why not subsidize companies IN GERMANY, and create more low-skill jobs? Part of the reason unemployment is so high is because companies don't hire on low-skilled workers. If the government
encourages entrepreneurs by offering starting fee and operational loans, more jobs will be created.
The same goes for Defense Industries, however the party platform is nationalized defense, so a government entity will control the Q5 defense industry in charge of that. I'll elaborate on this defense plan in a day or so. But hospitals need wood; government can encourage wood industry if needed. Bavaria will be our wood capital- and wood companies can provide a good source of necessary jobs for the lower, unskilled classes of Germany. How this industry is developed will depend on the circumstances and how much initiative general managers take.

- Foreign Relations. We of course need to set up a line with Poland and reach a higher degree of mutual respect, as Poland will likely be a major neighbor of Germany. Another neighbor to the north, Sweden, also must be negotiated with. Sweden still holds German territory, and according to the original plans, all regions except for Schleswig-Holstein are to be turned over to Germany. I also feel that it would be in our best interests if Germany is to set up a MPP with Sweden, but that debate will come later with the new President.

If Congress can address these three issues, then it will have been a successful session. Of course other issues will arise that congress will need to attend to, but these three issues are currently the most pressing.