Final Destiny - Why I Changed Mine

Day 439, 05:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

By forming "The Coalition", we have once again shown the eWorld how politics should be done. All the parties have put their differences aside and now stand behind one chosen candidate to lead the eUK into the future.

Before, we had four candidates. Now there is one. I was one of those candidates, but after a primary voting round which was incredibly close, I decided to back out. At this point, I was still only four votes behind the leader, but I felt it would create stronger unity if I myself backed out of the race and supported one of the others. I chose to support Final Destiny because I KNOW that is he want we need right now; he has the experience to make the right decisions and the vision to take those calculated risks. He has countless contacts abroad and he knows every one of the valued citizens of the eUK. These two qualities combined offer us two things; a Prime Minister who can take a stand on the big International issues and a Prime Minister who can choose an outstanding Cabinet and get them working well together.

5 Parties will be nominating Final Destiny as their candidate for Prime Minister, but in truth, they are just one; The Coalition.

Remember to vote Final Destiny on 5th February 2009 to secure the eUK's Destiny.