Fighting for the eUK

Day 399, 07:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

The last few weeks the eUK has had to learn the problems that come with a new population, new wars and a sparse economy in some places. War, particularly, has not been kind to us.

As our President Dishmcds has been stating recently, if everyone does their bit, we should be winning this war by leaps and bounds. Some of our newer members, however, have not yet grasped how to fight effectively yet. This is not your fault, because it is just knowledge that you learn as you live in the New World. This article is aimed at helping the everyday citizen learn the basics of fighting and there are just a few quick and easy steps to follow:

1. Make sure you’re in a region with a strong hospital. To fight properly, you need to be able to heal yourself after, and the only real way of doing this is to use a hospital. So head over to London, Scotland, the West Midlands, wherever there is a place with a Q4 or Q3 Hospital.

2. Only ever fight down to 50 wellness. This way, after you’ve healed in your Q4 hospital, you will be left with 90 wellness afterwards and be fight and ready to fight again.

3. Once you’ve got yourself back to 90 wellness, do not fight again that day. It means you’ll keep ending up with 50 wellness and once the war ends, and you can’t use a hospital, you’ll be stuck at 50. If you stay at 90, you'll have fight left in you so you can fight again the next day. The higher your wellness is, the more damage you do and you’re more productive at work; they are serious benefits to having a higher wellness

4. Always fight, even if you don’t have a weapon. The Admins removed the issue of fighting without a weapon, which used to make your damage drop by 50%; that is not the case anymore. If you fight without a weapon, you can still do your base damage. Every little helps.

If you follow these steps, the eUK can be a stronger nation next time war rears its ugly head and we’ll be more prepared.

If you’re interested in joining the Royal Navy where you get funded to move around the world and fight for the eUK, send “The Royal Navy” a Private Message.