Fight in Jilin!

Day 764, 15:38 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Wow...Jewitt has had some back luck lately. First a bugged war declaration completely derailing our plans for North Korea, and now this.Our region swap with China to gain Jilin has hit a snag. Hungary seized the opportunity, and attacked now US-held Jilin. This is a very bad situation, and we must win this battle at all costs. If we lose here, Hungary will take a stab at Liaoning, which we just captured from Iran at heavy costs. If we win, we will be forced into attacking Hello Kitty almost immediately, as Russia will be gaining a president very soon after the battle in Jilin is over, and will do anything in their power to stop us from striking Hello Kitty.

This is a short article, but nonetheless very important to pay attention to. Everyone should fight in Jilin, which has a wall already -400k underground. The Hungarians have the time zone advantage on this one, so we need to make our best effort. It would be suggested that you buys guns, as Hungary will be throwing a lot into winning this. It is make it or break it time, so lets do this!