Fight From Home - MPP Activated!

Day 514, 13:18 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

Today Ukraine attacked a home region of Romania, and all of Romania's MPP's were activated. One of those is with Canada.

What does this mean? It means get your fat butt off the couch and fight from home!

Battle for Maramures

Click on the link above and you can fight without moving. However, you might want to move to a region with a high Q hospital if you want to get the most wellness/fights as you possibly can. Ontario has the best hospital in the country (Q5), and it's where you should move if you want to milk this for all it's worth.

Make sure you improve your wellness with this war if it's low. High wellness improves Canadian productivity and bolsters our economy, not to mention that high wellness is sexy.

Fight for home for Romania and improve your wellness and damage, and make sure to pick up some sausage on the way home.