FDP - Our Future CP

Day 740, 14:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

The FDP are ready to announce that after a rigorous and exciting primary, Craig Rossiter will be running this December as our Presidential candidate.

With the support of the UKRP, BEP and FDP Craig will over the coming week outline his position on all issues affecting our nation, he will explain how he will face the challenges of the coming month and how he will overcome them.

What we looked for

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that the coming month will not only be a trying one, but also an interesting one. There has been an enormous and well publicised shift in focus in the UK over the past week and we need a Prime Minister who can take that forward and develop something that is hugely important and beneficial to the UK. We need someone with experience in leading our armed forces and Craig Rositter has just that.

Next month as great potential to be a turning point for the UK. We have taken a big step, however, there is an even greater one to be taken and we someone with the conviction and courage to do that.

Who is this man?

"My political career began in April 2009 when I was elected, at first time of asking, for congress in the South West region. I held this position for four more months. During this time I became involved in the Royal Guard eventually rising to the rank of commanding officer, albeit for one day. In September I was given my first Cabinet post as the Minister of Work under Glados. Between the end of Glados's term and now I focused on the UK Special Forces, I was appointed CO after the Widdows Affair and have been instrumental in returning the UK's Elites to fully operational status. In addition to this I have had numerous minor roles in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Trade."

Craig Rossiter is a man of action with deliberation and he has the full and confident backing of all the members of the UKRP, BEP & FDP.

What we need to do next

Over the coming weeks, we will be active in showing you who our candidate is, what he wants and why and for what reason you, the public, should vote for him on the 5th December.

We will fight to make ourselves be heard and give the public an election they deserve and not a forgone conclusion.

You'll hear more very very soon! ...

But for now, congratulations to Craig.

Cabinet Applications

Craig is looking for his cabinet! Please apply here.

He is looking for applicants for the positions of:

Minister of Economics
Minister of Finance
Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Defence
Minister of Home Affairs
Minister of Work
Minister of Legislative Affairs
Minister of Trade
Cabinet Secretary
Special Forces CO
Royal Navy CO

Applications by forum PM with a deadline of 2nd of December. The cabinet will be announced on the 3rd.

Join us in to help run what will no doubt be an exciting and intense Prime Ministerial election campaign
