FB Foreign exchange program a success!

Day 940, 10:56 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Astrodew

We at the Free Belgium party proudly present our foreign exchange programme, in which one of our congressmen swaps places with an army member from one of our allies abroad, who then take their turn to experience Belgian congress. Some of our graduates currently abroad include:

Rod Damon - China, eBelgian, exFB PP, congressman, Presidential candidate

Medrolke - Canada, eBelgian, exFb congressman

Zyria - Spain, eSouth African, exFB congressman
Dinac - Croatia, eCroatian, exFB congressman
Batterytime - China, eAmerican, exFB congressman
maddyman10 - China, eAmerican, exFB congressman
Jasonalwaysready- China, eBosnian, exFB congressman
Romper - China, eBelgian, exFB congressman
Ddexter - Romania, eBelgian, exFB congressman
Friero16 - Spain, ePolish, exFB congressman
Dman112 - Croatia, eCroatian, exFB congressman

We wish to especially congratulate Rod Damon and Medrolke, our latest two graduates, who have both within the last 48 hours nobly sacrificed their Belgian congress positions at very short notice, regardless of the damage this may cause their countries or the upset of the people who voted them in. Whilst they were extremely good at maintaining Belgium as a successful, well balanced country, they are not harmng the country by leaving. As you can see, many of our former students are now involved in helping our Entente allies abroad, most notably Spain, China and the USA.

We are currently looking for more volunteers, so if you are, or intend to be, a Belgian congressman with FB, please contact Strategic Air Command and receive free moving tickets and votes every month! There is a guaranteed seat for at least 1 new volunteer, after Rod decided to rejoin the US military full-time. He felt that he could not run in Belgium again due to a conflict of interest when he has to run away mid-term the next time Liaoning is under attack.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Free Belgium