Father to Son Moments

Day 973, 11:23 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

"Hey dad I got a question"

"George if its about me and your mother I told you already we were playing Hide and Go Seek Thats all now go to your room."

"No no Its not about that I was going to ask you about the break down of the country's military structure."

"Oh....Well thats an easy one."

"It is?"

"Yes everybody knows the reason the eIDF broke down was because of the United Zionist Party's Army of Zion Program. You know who else has paramilitaries? NAZIS AND HAMAS AND HEZBOLLAH!!!!"

"...But isnt it true that most major parties in eRepublik especially in some of the largest and most powerful nations have Paramilitary or militias?

"yes well you see.."

"And isnt it also true that the same people who claim that Real Life should remain out of erepublik just compared UZP to Nazis and Yemeni Terrorists?"

"The president did that because...."

"Isnt it also true that the Army of Zion was founded long after the eIDF fell apart and was disbanded weeks ago?"

"NO if I didnt know any better I would think you where one of the UZP's Brainwashed Peons!!"

"but Dad im not all im saying is that it seems a little strange that the governments response to the issue of the military break down has always been to blame the AoZ a small paramilitary with fewer then 30 people and no funding or support what so ever."

"Okay son its clear you need to listen up and sit down. All great leaders and governments have always followed the philosophy that ignoring and suppressing criticism and concern from the people is the best solution to deal with problems. The Less People know the better. You see finding scapegoats and blaming people for problems and denying any form of responsibility is a ancient tactic that goes back thousands of years. Great nations like Czarist Russia and Nazi Germany have employed this tactic and look at how far they went"

&quot😉idnt Czarist Russia get overthrown in a Bloody civil war and wasnt Nazi germany defeated in ww2?"

"Thats besides the point the point is that any time someone brings up questions or concerns you have to call them out and say they are bringing down the nation and dividing us. Destroy their credibility. Thats a guaranteed way to shut them up.Now I want you to stop this Scaremongering and go back to your room now.And the next time you dare question the most Honorable wise and all knowing president I will ground you Mr."
