Farewell eUK

Day 456, 07:39 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

I was planning on leaving a few days later than this, but my business is in need of active workers and I am needed to stand for election for my new party in India. I will however, still be active on the Y&H forums and will continue running the council for the next few days.

Before I go, I just want to thank a few people. Dish, thank you for talking to a new player and explaining the game, and directing me to the forums. Thanks to Tommy Tommasino and all the other MDU members, I've have a great time, and thank you for letting my political aspirations become real. Bob Boblo, for the hours of fun we had on the coalition forum, EJpayne for his business advice and York City Council, thanks for a great month, about half of you are running for congress, may the best man win. And finally to the public, who voted me into office for two consecutive terms, and those that subscribed to this newspaper.

To any newer players reading this, I would recommend the MDU when you chose a political party. There is a great community atmosphere on the forums, and they encourage you to achieve your potential, in any area of eRep life. If anyone would like to join me in India, feel free and if you can't afford it, I might be able to pay for you. Good luck all!

IndieKid, Ex-Congressman