Faeyas for President: It is Time to Listen

Day 807, 01:38 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

To be honest I was surprised when I kept being asked "Well what is your plan". I thought I had been clear that I am essentially going to follow what I set out to do as a congresswoman. However I suppose I should place it in front of you under the context of my Candidacy for Country President.

I warn you that at least the beginning should look eerily similar to many of you.

About Me

I enjoy helping out anyone who needs me and takes the time to ask. I am fairly skilled with finding and executing solutions to a variety of problems and concerns. To date I believe I have succeeded in nearly all requests for help, minus a few that were derailed due to political blocs in eJapan.

Support for eJapan

eJapan is extremely important to me and I will always stand in support of her and her citizens. I will not support policies that put anyone above eJapan, or policies that hurt eJapan. I stand for the citizens of Japan, not some group or organization, and certainly not any alliance that seeks to use eJapan as a thing.

I support those who vote for me, those who can't vote, and those who vote against me. If any of you needs assistance and cannot find the help you need anywhere else, or don't want to find it elsewhere, I am hear to listen and do my best for this country and for you.

Power to the Companies

I respect that our economy has suffered recently due to money issues, but I know that eJapan needs a growing economy to continue to repair our once failing economy. I certainly will not support policies that put any section of our industry at risk. Whether it is resources such as Iron and Grain, or commodities like food.

I respect that choices like getting involved in wars effect our industries and take these facts into consideration when considering wars and MPPs.

I also believe in listening. I listen to those economic advisors our country has, as well as owners. I believe that if there is anything I should know you all will tell me, and if you need anything, you will tell me. I welcome this and look foreword to assisting you all in the future.

Foreign Powers

I am realistic in understanding where eJapan stands in the world, and while I wont stand for us being stepped on, I do support our international presence. We have allies abroad that have similar goals and together we can achieve prosperity for our country and theirs with no harm done.

I believe that our Foreign Politics need help. Since I have been in eJapan, foreign emissaries have not had access to more than their forums and the front gate. What kind of relationship are we trying to build with such restrictions on welcomed guests?

What message are we sending our allies when they need to hear second hand what is going on in our country because they can't see any governmental area of our forums, even after matters have been discussed and concluded? We should build up our friendships through mutual trust.

I asked our Emperor to consider the limitations on foreign ambassadors not even being able to read parts of the forums that are relevant to their jobs. The Emperor being gracious as he is has offered to work on righting this inconsideration.

The Military

The Military is probably suffering the most from being spread to thin and supporting too much. The budget for the military must always be balanced on a pin, and it is due to this that it has been reformed at least once since I became a citizen.

The military serves two main purposes: To Protect Japan, and to Train our Population.

These goals are not separate nor should they be treated as such. I believe that our military might be stretched too far in what it is doing. I think that if everything functioned closer that there would be less waste of resources, and a more consistent force.

Further I believe the Military needs to adapt a method to train newer citizens in our society, in order to assist in retaining their interest and thus continued play, without using valuable resources. Part of this will be ensuring eJapan has consistent and well planned Training Wars

However I am not an expert on the nuts and bolts while there are many in eJapan who are. I plan on working closely with them to help solve these problems.

Not only them, I welcome any ideas from anyone in the community who may have knowledge in this area of game play.

Culture and Events

It probably comes to no surprise how happy I have been recently just seeing the Ministry of Culture and Events as busy and bustling with ideas as it has been. Citizens are starting to not only take part in the workings of the ministry, but are actively thinking of new things to do.

Ember has been an absolute gem for all her hard work as Minister. I believe however that she is over worked attempting to manage all of her ministry by herself. I an thrilled that she is getting a staff and will support her and her staff in their efforts in the future.

This includes a budget.

Events don't just run themselves, and getting people to notice events is a pain. Furthermore events that merit prizes tend to be favored, and if Culture and Events can't even pull together a prize, then something is wrong.

Speaking of contests I will look foreword to assisting in assuring that there are neutral judges with all competitions, where the person who determines the winner is not partaking in that event. This is an important reason why Ember should continue to hold a staff.

After all Ember might want to participate someday.

Everything else

Yes there are many issues in Japan, and many sides you are all itching for me to take. To all of those I will say this.

If I don't know about it, I will learn.

If I am lost, I will ask directions.

I will try things, admit mistakes, and work to fix problems if they arise.

And if you need to tell me anything, I will listen.

Japan has had enough with leaders that don't do the number one expected thing any leader should do: Listen to the people.

I can promise that if nothing else goes right, I will listen, and serve the people of Japan to the best of my ability.

Thank you.
