Faeyas for Joellanam-do Congress

Day 640, 00:40 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

We are approaching the August congress elections fast! Now is the time when citizens of Japan need to begin to consider who in their home region they will vote as their next representative. While these thoughts spin around in your head, I would like to bring something to your attention.

I, Faeyas, am running as an Imperial Sun Party candidate in Joellanam-do.

Further, I would like to take a moment to talk with you all about why I would be a good choice.

While it is true that I am fairly new to the game, not even one month old yet, I have accomplished a bit in the short time I have been here.

1. I have written a number of successful articles for this newspaper, and I am in the top thirty newspapers in Japan. My articles are mainly neutral, with the clear exception of this article, and another I wrote pertaining to IRC, and I strive for clarity. This also shows how active I am in staying current on the Japanese political climate. The more I know, the more I can share with you.

How this would assist you: I am not shy about communicating. As your congress representative I will work hard to keep you all ‘in the know’ about what is going on in congress. Further I will do my best to represent you the best I can.

2. I attempted, during the last Party President elections, to revive an old party by becoming its Party President. While I didn’t win, I came close to winning against a player who was five levels higher than me. I was able to organize a group of friends and I successfully gained 12 votes by the end of the night.

How this would assist you: I am a dedicated and determined player. When I have a goal in mind I will focus on achieving it to the best of my ability. I will use this same strength in congress for you.

3. Speaking of friends, I am well acquainted with many players in eJapan.

How this would assist you: Having a social butterfly as a representative means that the message I am working to send for my constituents is likely to travel far and wide. This also means that I am easily accessible to you, the voters.

My platform is naturally reflective of my party the Imperial Sun Party. However due to the unique nature of this region there is a significantly important matter to consider when deciding on who you will vote for.

Joellanam-do is, obviously, a former South Korean region. At the moment the governments of Japan and the former, or refugee, government of South Korea are working together to liberate South Korea and help re-found it as a country. Joellanam-do is one of the regions that will be liberated and returned to South Korea.

However, due to the nature of this endeavor, regions like Joellanam-do will become easy targets for Political Take Overs or PTOs. I am a candidate that is currently working with both the Japanese Government and the Former South Korean Government to ensure that this region remains protected during the transition period.

Once the transition has been completed and Joellanam-do and all of South Korea are secure from PTO’s I will honorably return home to Japan in favor of a native South Korean candidate. Until then however, I would like to ensure that this region remains safe and that it is liberated safely and with few problems.

In order to do this I need your vote.

Thank you for your time, and remember to vote this week!
