Fae Against Smear Campaigns

Day 841, 21:06 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

Hi I'm Faeyas

Clearly stating that "I don't approve these negative ads" in PDN's speech thread isn't enough to clear my name so here is what has been happening with the Ads.

PDN set up an Ad for himself today and not to be late to a challenge I set up two ads myself.

One of these ADs is on my Personal account Faeyas and is taking money from there.

The Second is from SOS Brigade, and I donated the 3 gold back.

The rest of the gold is missing due to "planned Ads" for Congress elections that will come up. The usual "SOS has these values" ads and the one " SOS For Congress" explaining that anyone who wants to run should contact me. You know, the ads I've been using for months?

They are scheduled ATM to run from the 18th until the 19th, but you know those pesky ad companies, they want payment upfront, and detract from the coffers for planned ads as for active ads.

Negative ADs are not nice, and despite my condemning these ads, there is now an AD directly attacking me that is linking to the PDN for PP thread.

However PDN has yet to condemn this ad.

I ask PDN to either remove the AD (assuming he posted it) or to condemn it, and like me wish for the ad to simply vanish.

There is no place in politics for negative ads, or smear campaigns.

I may not believe PDN is the best choice for SOS, but I will never just attack him like that. New ideas are good. I don't mind them.

I just wish PDN would have taken the time to share his ideas with me and tried to work with me and participate in SOS events before saying I'm no good and deciding to run against me.

Thank you for your time,

SOS Brigade Chief and Party President