EZC Newsletter - Interview w/ MaryamQ - March 2018 - V3

Day 3,775, 19:26 Published in USA USA by Carlos3652

CLICK on the Weekly Briefing LINK to get your info!

Spotlight Corner

Tell me a little about yourself, how long you’ve been playing this game?

I have been playing eRepublik since Oct 2009. That was apparently a big month for recruiting. We have at least 4 players in EZC's 1st regiment who started in the same month.

I started because my RL son had started playing and was trying to get the society builder medal. As far as I know, he never made it.

My son quit playing in early 2010. By that time, I had joined Strategic Air Command, and had moved, first to eUK, then to eBE. I fell in love with the eBE community, and stayed.

In 2012, I was on assignment for the eBE military, working in the eUS as a supply officer. I met TheNorm through activity in SFP during that time. We kept in touch, and eventually he persuaded me to come over to EZC.

Do you have a special role within the MU?

I arrived a little over 3 years ago, and was welcomed into the command group almost immediately. At present, I am serving as Commander, but to me, command of EZC is a team effort, and we have a great team, so it's easy for me.

How do you play the game? What’s your angle? What do you enjoy the most?

Honestly, I was not interested in the military module when I started playing the game. Politics and media were far more interesting to me. I didn't really start fighting until after divisions were introduced. Because of other activities, I was already D3, but pretty low strength.

When eBE started an elite group, the competitive streak in me came out, and I worked to get admitted to it. Since then, I've been a member of some great MUs, but EZC is the best.

I pretty much play the way I live my RL, letting my heart lead. If I see something that moves me, such as an interesting discussion in the media, I want to get involved. A lot of things I have written have been inspired that way.

Any advice to noobies, or people that should join the EZC?

My advice to new players is to explore, find what interests you, get involved with the community. Listen to people who have been around for a while. If you don't like where you are, find another party or another MU. There are still enough people playing so there is something here for everybody. You just have to be open to find it. 😉 Of course, EZC is it for a lot of us. It's not just an MU, it's a family.

Airborne Unit -

We are in the middle of restructuring our Regiments. Thank you for being patient with us. You will receive a pm shortly asking you a series of questions that will help us determine which one to put you in. We are getting so BIG that a Regiment cannot hold you (us) all!!

Airborne units are required to sign in and work 3x daily (averaged weekly at 21/week) so make sure you are doing so to qualify for End of March's Salary Bonus.

For those of you who have not been following, we have begun supplying monthly cash supply for purchase of Q2 houses (in addition to the Q1 you already buy with commune wages).

Gnilraps has been building houses for you as well! He will put them out on the market so you can can purchase them after you get paid.

The math behind this adds up to a more-rapid increase in Air Rank which is all any of us are really after.

Please join us on Discord to get all the latest battles and to hang out with the best, craziest players you will ever meet. Ping me there or PM me in game if you want to be part of the Airborne Unit.

emdoublegee is trying to keep up with the AIR ROUNDS for our regiment by creating DO's when we fly. They can be found on the EZC Shout Feed or in our Discord Channel. Let me know if this is going well or if there are any suggestions on how to improve.

Help me welcome our players that just joined Easy Company this week by adding them to your friend list and saying hello!

Dr Redline
Cel Razzor Giovanni
Arthur William

Many users come and go and do not get the benefit of enjoying our community which is one of the best in eRepublik. Let's give them a warm welcome!

Current War Information Guidance -

eUSA vs eJapan in Hokkaido
eUSA vs eIreland in Cork
eJapan vs eMontenegro
eJapan vs eSouth Africa
eRepublic of China (Taiwan) vs eSwitzerland
eRussia vs Anyone
ePoland vs Anyone
eLatvia vs eBelgium

eLatvia vs eLithuania and eUkraine are complicated. Ping Pong TW. Make sure you read this article to understand before you hit there: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2666817

eJapan vs eEstonia
eColombia vs eGreece
eNetherlands vs eCanada
eMexico vs Ukraine

***EZC AIRBORNE*** Daily Orders will be set to the "Fight For" category. If you need to energy dump, fight for any air battle you wish for. Dumping 5k in the Air should not make a difference but be smart about it.

Easy Company Weekly Status Report



Division IV - Top 10 Tank Damage

Division III - Top 5 Tank Damage

Division II - Top 5 Tank Damage

Division I - Top 5 Tank Damage

Top 10 Air Damage This Week (All Regiments)

Top 10 Air Damage This Week (EZC AIRBORNE UNIT)

Top 10 Medal Hunters This Week (All Divisions)

Want to be a part of the best military unit in the eUSA? Join Easy Company. It is easy. You get multiple benefits working in Gnilrap's commune. (50% off Q7 Tanks if you are a Tanker and Q1/Q2 Houses if you join the Airborne, etc) plus the members help one another on the shout feed. Food / Tank Giveaways and cheaper than market pricing on goods among other benefits.

Check out this Document for a brief summary on how to get started with us!

Leave a comment, ask questions, and we will answer.

Also - If you have any feedback on how to make this a better experience, please share, I always welcome challenging the status quo.