Evolving Media: The eRep Podcast

Day 1,716, 10:38 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

If you have been playing eRepublik for a little while now, you have almost certainly tripped over one of the Podcasts that find their way into the media section of the game.

Articles will always be the dominant means of delivering news in game, but podcasting is opening up new avenues of communication, and expanding the game in ways it never has before.

To date, I am aware of two regular podcasts in game. The first being the show I created, Northern Exposure, and the other being eNPR.

Both shows offer a wide variety of content and present that content in their own unique format. Both shows offer the opportunity for listeners to call in and share their opinions and feedback on the issues of the day, while allowing for some robust conversation that goes beyond the "clickety-clack" of IRC chatting. Accessing the show's as a caller is not a complicated affair at all. Once on the main show page, one needs only to call in to the phone number listed using a cellular or land line, assuming you're okay with potential long distance charges. Alternatively, if you are a Skype savvy user, you can also access either show using Skype by simply clicking on the Skype button located on the show page for either show.

Once connected you will be placed in a holding que and someone will connect with you when they have the opportunity to. Shortly thereafter, with any luck, you will be brought on to the show and have a chance to share your opinions.

As a guest on any show, try to remember you are just that, a guest of the show. It is always nice when people are given a chance to finish their thoughts without being talked over or cut off. This can be difficult when you never know who is going to speak next, but do your best to listen, jump in when its appropriate, and then step away when you have had your say, to give others a chance.

My last piece of etiquette is this. If you are a guest, and you have finished your thought, if you have a mute button on your mic, please use it. There is nothing worse than hearing your kid brother or sister screaming in the background, your parents telling you to clean your room, or the inane "Clickety-clickety" of your fingers running across a keyboard. Obvious this is an exception for the hosts who really have no choice, but as a guest, try to mute when you're done so that there is as little background noise as possible when others are speaking.

What do you do though if you can not make it to the live show? Simple really.

Archived shows can be accessed right through the Blog Talk Radio page. There you can find a multitude of archived episodes to listen to. If you're like me though, and prefer to have your podcasts on the go, in the car, or on your commute, there are some great programs available for smartphones.

As I am an iPhone user, I will offer up the following possible solutions:


Northern Exposure is available in the iTunes store for free by subscription. There you can download the episodes to your iPhone and off you go. Easy and straight forward. If you are one who prefers a more sophisticated podcast experience, I offer the following two options.

Downcast & Instacast

Both of these apps are available in the iTunes store and can be downloaded at a small cost. I currently use Downcast and I love it. Its very user friendly and has all the options you could ever need. I highly recommend checking them out for yourself.

So there you have it. Some tips and tricks for getting on to the show along with some insight into how to listen to archived programming.

Last but not least, Blog Talk Radio offers free podcasting of programs up to 30 minutes long. If you're adventurous and willing to take the plunge into the podcast media end of eRep, why not start there. The site is VERY easy to use and takes little to no experience.

Podcasting is not the dominant media in eRep, but it is certainly one of the most entertaining and enjoyable formats. If you'r not already doing so, I strongly encourage you to check out both shows for yourself and who knows…maybe one day you will be running a show of your own!

Yours In National Unity,