Everything About Everything

Day 942, 10:15 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

In This Feature...
Recent News
Hardcore SFP Propaganda
Join the eOlympics!

Recent News

Yesterday, Hungary allowed Switzerland to reclaim their native region of Graubunden, and began the process of giving back Deutschschwitz. I have been informed that a new hospital will be reconstructed in the area. However, the president may choose not to reconstruct the hospital in Romandie.

Romandie is the most populated region in eSwitzerland, containing over 300 citizens. It is the heart of eSwitzerland, and if the rumors are true then our society will no doubt take a fall. The only plausible reason I see for Clifford not to rebuild the hospital is politics. Many of the people who support Clifford's opponents live in Romandie, and by not rebuilding the hospital he could strike a major blow to the Liberal movement.

On the other hand, these rumors are not confirmed, so we shouldn't leap to assumptions. Romandie is still under Hungarian occupation, so the decision will be prolonged for a few more days.

In other news, Operation 601 was completely effective, as it led to the capture of both Aquitaine and Rhone Alps by Phoenix. Was the decision the right one? That's for others to debate, but one thing is clear; it worked perfectly.

Hardcore SFP Propaganda

Do you ever find yourself wondering if you really agree with your party's objectives? Is it hard for you to choose a side? No need to fear, the SFP is here!

But in all seriousness, it's an awesome party. And it's dieing. We only have 8 members, because most of our players are stranded in Hungary. Help us out by joining and contributing. Trust me, it's worth it.

The SFP has always existed as a "do whatever" party. We don't ask you to listen to our views. We meet to discuss stuff that is happening in eRep, and to enjoy the game. Join the SFP, and all the better you'll be!

Join the eOlympics!

As you know, our glorious country managed to win the poll to host the next eOlympics. However, we have a major problem.

As of the time I am writing this article, only 3 Swiss citizens have signed up to compete! Since we are the hosts, we should go above and beyond when it comes to participation.

So in order to promote Swiss participation, I'm holding a contest. Each Swiss athlete who wins a medal will receive a gold from me!

Here's how you sign up. Click HERE, and then enter your name and stats.

That's all! Make sure you go to the site on the 30th of June to check the results and see if you won a medal. If you did, pm me, and I'll donate you some cha-ching.

Good luck and have fun! Note: You will be more likely to win a medal if you sign up for Skiing or Bike Riding, since we don't have any Swiss athletes participating there.

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