eUSA population - May 2021

Day 4,942, 10:45 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Hi hi. May is finished and I’m here to publish the article showing the American population in eRepublik. The first graphic represents the active citizens registered every day of the month:

The trend was negative for almost the whole month.

Total balance from 1st May (1169) to 31st May ( 1158 ) = -11 people.
Balance in % : -1 % of population in a month.

Top day: 8th May = 1178 people.
Low day: 21st May = 1147 people.

May mean = 1162 active citizens.

The next graphic compares the average monthly population calculated in more than a year and half in eRepublik:

Almost every month in 2021 has registered a lower average population than all the months of 2020. And May shows the lowest of all, reaching 130 people less than the mean of 2020.

This graphic shows the percentage of Americans in the world :

From the beginning of 2021 there are almost no changes: American citizens were always around the 3 % of the worldwide population in eRepublik, that lowered in the same rates than the eUSA population.

Like I started to do in the previous month, I put here the graphic showing the new daily registered citizens in the USA and the citizenships approved in the month of May:

In May, 176 citizens started to play eRepublik in eUSA country (the coloured bars in graphic), and eUSA congressmen approved 6 citizenship requests (the yellow bars). Welcome everyone.
In April there were 208 new players and 10 citizenships approved.

At last I publish the graphic of the votes in Presidential and Congress elections of eUSA, compared to the total active citizens.

Votes for presidents are in dark blue, votes for congress are in red, and the rest of light green bar represents the quantity of “active” citizens that did not casted a vote.
In May, 286 people of 1167 have voted for President, and 291 of 1151 have voted for Congress.
In percentage the votes are almost the 25 % of the total eUSA population, around the same as the previous months.

Good evening, good night, good week, good month and good everything!