eUS Victories... and Belgium

Day 810, 19:54 Published in USA USA by Lucus Casius

SE of England and Upper


The eUS managed to score a couple of victories today.

Upper Normandy, the last French-held region, fell to a fierce assualt by our troops. This means that French MMP's are cancelled, and that they need a successful resistance war to spring back. Hopefully, we will be able to finish our war with the UK before they manage to return, though that seems unlikely.

The SE of England also fell. The taking of this region brings us one step closer to our final goal, which, if I remember correctly, is the total destruction of the Isles during some sort of ultimate showdown between Frost and GLaDOS.

Yes, they are both dragons.

Here is Frost's article on the subject.

In other news...

The Saints won. Good for them.


Now for Belgium

I feel that I might as well talk about Belgium while I'm here.

They're not very happy with us. I can't say I blame them, either.

What the hell is wrong with us? We're suggesting messed up laws, and we have quite a few people in their Congress. If we want them to remain neutral, we have to back. The. F**k. Off. I've heard quite a few complaints, and, while I know our government had only their interests in mind...

The plan screwed up. If PHOENIX PTOs them, we don't have a choice but to allow that to happen. Our attempt to prevent that backfired, and, not only are they not PTO'ed by PHOENIX, they believe there was an attempted PTO'ed by EDEN. The current law prepositions may have something to do with that, including one that actually suggests raising the minimum wage to 200 BEF. Which, of course, was suggested by some guy from Poland.

Come one guys! We're better than this. We need to prove that PHOENIX really is the oppressor.

See this article for more.

Final Words

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Remember, EDEN victory is approaching. We must establish ourselves as benevolent leaders if we are to get the world on our side, and reach our full potential.

Final Quote

The single clenched fist lifted and ready,
Or the open hand held out and waiting.
For we meet by one or the other.
Carl Sandburg