eUK Update

Day 604, 16:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tomas O'Se

We have reached a precipice. The eUK this evening performed a hostile action against eUSA and eCanada.

How long can our neutrality hold out? Until the Brits backed by PEACE start their invasion? You do realise how impaired America's shit-giving abilities will be if we suddenly want to be their friends the second the Brits knock on our door? If we side up with America now we will be taken down by PEACE. Quickly and efficiently. We may yet some help from America but it's not going to stop us getting wasted. They will f**k us up good.

What I'm trying to get across is that there is a huge difference between a nation getting taken over like the eUK over the past few weeks/months and a nation standing up and fighting. I for one would prefer to die in a hail of bullets than to be slowly rotted away from the inside.

I know a lot of you are very fond of the idea of a neutral eIreland. It is the position that provides the greatest security in the short term for our nation. That's the key phrase. Short term. There comes a time when we will have to chose our side. I absolutely refuse to a member of a nation that falls into subjugation quietly. When the Nazis took Oslo in 1940, they marched into the city with an Oompah band playing music in front of them. Not a shot was fired. I am not going down like that. For God's sake eIreland, let's at least die with honour.

I'm loading up my gun now. I pray that our government will find a peaceful solution. I pray that you will understand that honour is more important than gold.

I hope eGod is listening.

Tomas O'Se