eUK Political Statistics #13

Day 803, 14:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
#29 31-1-10

This week has been an interesting week. The congress elections resulted in a large scale TUP dominance, gaining 16 seats. The FDP and BEP only managed one each, and the BEP, due to a glitch, disappeared completely by the end of the elections. This means the PCP have come back into 4th and the FDP have entered the top 5, meaning they will not need deals with other right wing parties in elections if t hey stay there. Meanwhile, The Socialist Party have sprung up out of nowhere and are now in 6th place after gaining relatively large membership recently, though they are far away still from the top 5. Due to congress statistics on the party pages not appearing, I have had to estimate/work them out, so they may be slightly innaccurate. Right click and click 'view image' to view larger versions.

TUP membership is at an all time high. FDP and UKRP membership has increased due to the deletion of the BEP.

This table and graph include the BEP. As usual it is all membership records taken since I started off.


The UKRP has managed to recover all it's gold this week by getting over 50 in the past week. Quite how I'm not sure. The TUP is still just the richest party.

Congress and Orientation Stats

The TUP have the majority.

After the congress elections, the representation has evened out and the left wing have more congressman. Right wing membership has gone down due to the issue with the BEP. The left wing almost have an absolute majority in congress, but not quite.

That is all for this week. Sorry it came out a bit late, I was a bit busy. All stats are accurate to yesterday early evening. Thanks to everyone who voted for me in the congress elections (I just lost out unfortunately) and please Vote and Subscribe.