eTürkiye: The Best Choice for Workers and Investors Alike

Day 918, 12:28 Published in Serbia United Kingdom by burakkocamis
- eTürkiye: The Best Choice for Workers and Investors Alike -

Greetings esteemed citizens of the eSerbia,

As the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of eTürkiye, we have set ourselves the goal of promoting investor and worker interest in our country. Our current government has provided all the necessary means to make eTürkiye the most desirable country to live in with respect to economic concerns, and now has come the day to collect the fruits of our labor and prove that we have achieved our goal. Now, we would like to present you some comparative statistics of the economic parameters of our country, which will undoubtedly convince you to reconsider where you would like to work or invest your money.

Please fasten your seat belts, and be prepare😛 The facts you are going to face are not suitable for the faint of heart!

A Worker's Paradise: 1% Income Tax in All Sectors!

Many players who are not well-versed in the mechanics of the game are unaware of the fact that the offers of wage you see on the job market do not reflect the money you actually earn. When looking for a job, people generally ignore or forget what the income taxes for different sectors and countries are, and base their decision to work on the gross wage they see on the market. In reality, you get only a portion of what you see on the Job Market wage offer. Where does this decrease come from? From the income tax, of course!

Since the private firms most usually use the money market to collect their earnings, the de facto payers of the income tax is consists primarily of the working class. Since everyone has to work sooner or later, this provides the countries with a steady income. Unlike VAT (Value Added Tax) which taxes each consumer equally, Income Tax taxes the laborers instead of the capitalists. Hence, high income taxes indicate a state which is built on the backs of the workers, unless those taxes are used with social concerns in mind.

In eTürkiye, we value the personal development of our citizens and workers. We do not want to slip our hands into the pockets of the people who work for the survival of the country. We do not want to justify transferring the hard-earned wages of the working class by propaganda, only to be redistributed among the gold-hoarding tanks like some countries do.

In eTürkiye, we value our workers above everything. In eTürkiye, no one steals from your fruits of labor, because we know how important it is for your development. Hence we have set the Income Taxes to 1% overall in the economy.

As if this weren't enough, you will also notice that the "purchasing power" of your wage is also higher in eTürkiye with respect to other countries. Not only do we have most of the primary needs of a citizen provided at low prices; we have also lowered the VAT taxes to 1% to help both the buyers, and the sellers.

To sum up, the quality of life you will experience as a worker in our country is beyond all possible alternatives. Come and join us, and let us toil together, and reap the fruits of our labor together, without paying dues to thief-like governments who tax their poor citizens to help the rich!

Comparative Statistics on Income Tax: Average income Tax in Major Countries

Turkey: 1%
Russia: 1%
Spain: 5%
Indonesia: 8%
Greece: 10%
Polan😛 12%
Canada: 11%
Serbia: 15%
Hungary: 15%
Croatia: 15%
Romania: 17%
Brazil: 20%
USA: 23%

Comparative Statistics on VAT: Average VAT in Major Countries

Turkey: 1%
Russia: 1%
Canada: 1%
USA: 2%
Serbia: 2%
Brazil: 4%
Greece: 5%
Polan😛 5%
Hungary: 5%
Romania: 5%
Croatia: 6%
Spain: 6%
Indonesia: 8%

Best Choice For Investors: Ever-growing impenetrated Markets

The opportunities eTürkiye provides to foreign investors is beyond your wildest dreams: We have a 1% VAT rate which means you will suffer no dead-weight loss in the market, as well as losing no competitiveness if you desire to compete on an international scale. In addition, we also have relatively high import taxes in all sectors but weapons, which will guarantee you a high profit margin, which entails a good return to your investment.

In addition, eTürkiye has a developing market. The growth rate of our country’s economy is continuously increasing as a result of the influx of new players, and the development of the old ones. As a result, eTürkiye boasts of a market which is yet not fully penetrated. Hence there is still the opportunity to obtain positive economic profits in our markets – something you cannot say for the markets of the other major countries. eTürkiye lacks heavy investment in Q3, Q4 and Q5 firms in many industries, and the entrants are guaranteed to make some hefty profits. A quick glance at the firm per capita rates from the ereptools will confirm our claims.

As if these weren’t enough, eTürkiye also boasts of an active Ministry of Economics with exceptional funding from the government. We actively issue stupendous amounts of government subsidies in order to promote lowering the unit cost of production, by encouraging low quality firms to upgrade, high quality firms to hire high skill workers and by subsidizing the purchase of export licenses to financially sound expansion projects of firms in our country. Our country is known to cover as high as 20% of the upgrade costs, and 25% of the license costs of hard-working capital owners.

No taxes, impenetrated markets and government back-up. What else could an investor ask for? Invest in eTürkiye now, and be the first to benefit from the untapped investment potential!

Last, but not least...

eTürkiye has one of the most vibrant communities in eRepublik: Just look at the newspaper and chat rooms per capita to understand how active our player base is. In real world, the Turks are renowned for their impeccable hospitality and kindness towards their guests. The eTurkish community is no different. Whatever your nationality or ideology may be, do not hesitate! Come, and work with us towards building a better future and enjoy the friendly atmosphere.

As Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi says: “Come, come, whoever you are!”

And enjoy the beauties eTürkiye has to offer...

Best regards,

Published by burakkocamis

Written by Kemal Ergenekon
Minister of Economics